

New member
Well everyone ashton is scheduled for surgery on 12-12-05 to reconnect his bowel!!! so hopefully that will put him home in time for christmas, they say that the average recovery is 1 1\2 to 2 weeks and christmas day is 13 days post surgery sooo we will hope hes coming home by then...

Yea we also applied for ssi and of course we make to much money!! bummer though... im guessing that you have to be pretty bad off in order to receive the benefit.. Has anyone that has been denied due to making to much appealed and then gotten the benefits o do you just wait until your circumstances change?? just looking for some insight on where to go from here

ashtons mom
5weeks old tomorrow


New member
You can't appeal based on making too much money, unless they calculated it wrong. You have to be pretty poor (no offense to anyone) to get ssi, there isn't a lot out there for families who "look" like they make ok money but really do struggle most of the time. I personally think the system in the US SUCKS!

Have you considred a grandparent who is recieving Social security retirement? Ashton could be elgible for 1/2 of what they earn. It's worth asking, the worst someone could tell you is no.


New member
Hi Christi,
Andrew had surgery at birth which required a colostomy. He came home after three weeks, with the colostomy, then went back about a month later for the reversal. He was hospitalized for 8 days, so maybe your child will be home sooner than expected. I hope so.


New member
Oh, I forgot to mention, we applied for ssi but I'm thinking we will be turned down due to income as well. It stinks.


New member
It took us 18 months to get SSI. They said Reece was not "disabled enough". That burned us up & made us fight HARDER. We kept appealing, & apealing & appealing. My husband is the only bread winner so the money limit may not have been an issue for us, although on one of the denails did say we made too much money. My husband also called our congressman for a week. (to of course plead our case) Finally after Reece was in the hosptial for 14 days, we were approved!!!!! YEAH!!! We were then approved for Medicaid.....Thank God!!!!!! My advice is to keep appealing, keep EVERYTHING on file & keep appealing!!! Hope all works out for you!
Mommy to Reece~w/CF(3yrs old)<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
Beth Sufian, Attorney & CFers Advocate will tell you appeal, appeal, appeal. Never reapply unless of course your allowed time for an appeal has expired than you dont have a choice. Also remember that it is a business & I truly believe that they deny people in hopes that the person will give up, go away & not appeal. Also remember there is a difference between SSI (income based) & SSDI (work history based). Some people are eligible for both which is handy when it comes to prescritions & doctor co pays etc. Many times a persons work history isnt enough to make them eligible for social security under SSDI so you would need to fall into the income level of SSI to get any help. There are ways around it, but you need to be strong, determined, an EXCELLENT record keeper & if need be get in touch with Beth Sufian!