I just started azithromycin 500 mg for inflammation on Monday . I am having a lot of mucus some of which is clear saliva looking. it gets really bad at night. How long does this normally take to start working . Is it immediate or takes time. I have been using ibuprofen in between the MWF dose. I just got off a week of ceftaz and vanc and levaquin. The inflammation started while on those . I think the ceftaz has some sulfa ingredients . I react the same way as far as inflammation to bactrim . I didnt have inflammation on the 2 weeks of meropenem and vanc in January . Should I suggest getting put on a low dose of steroid to slow down the mucus. I just got put on insulin so my dr may not be for this . But if she isn't I dont know how to slow down the inflammation if the azithromycin doesnt work. I cant take the ibuprofen long because of my GI issues. I just started Paxil last night so i don't want to start it right away to get double side effects . I already feel like im out of my body and dizzy.