Baby Bird Found


New member
3 days ago my husband & daughter found a baby bird (not brand new baby) in the road. They brought it home & we put it in the cat carrier (ironic place, huh?). We gave him/her water & food & a perch. He let us hold him, pet him. It was really cool. I did explain to my daughter about the germs & how we had to be sure we wash our hands after holding him etc. I also explained that his problem might be more than a broken wing. I told my daughter he might have injuries inside that we cant see which could cause him to die. She understood & kept good care of him. Today she started camp & I promised her that I would keep an eye on the bird. When she got home, he wasnt doing well. Long story short....the bird (Windy became his name) died. My daughter was so upset. I just am sharing this story because she really did take great care of him. Until today he/she seemed to really enjoy the petting. His little eyes would close like our cat & dogs do when we pet them. Through the drama of it all my husband has agreed to get her a real bird with a real cage. Nothing big/expensive. A parakeet or something like that. I was so proud of my daughter!


New member

that is a sweet story, it's amazing she took such good care of the bird. I think it's wonderful you are going to reward her by getting her a bird, it's great reinforcement.

Thanks for hte smile,



New member
I love to see how compassionate kids are and can be. Thanks for sharing.

I had blood drawn last week and my little CFer held my hand and told me it was going to be ok. And it was!