Back In (sigh)

Well I am back in the hospital but all is well. I have been out for 6 months which in nearly a new record since the past 3 years have been a bit of havic. Needless to say it was time. It was awful leaving my 18 month but I will be much better for her when I return in two weeks. Thankfully right before Thanksgiving. No punn intended. I just wanted to fill you all in on my life and what is happening and any extra prayers coming my way would be helpful. We are striving to get past the blasted 49 mark on PFTS. Well I need to get back. Its blood drawing time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> WOOHOO WOOHOO!!!!!



New member
Hey Em feel better! I came in on Monday after 6 months out too. Looks like I've got 3 more weeks or so of IV meds. I hope you are feeling well. I get to leave here for a few hours on Saturday night to play a show with my band...can't wait to leave for a little while.
Well I hope you are resting and not causing too much trouble.
take care,
23 pwcf


New member
Dont feel bad <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">... I just got out of the hospital too on iv's at home for 11 days.... they have me on 3 antibiotics every 12 hours <img src="i/expressions/coughing.gif" border="0"> but at least we will be all better when were done! Im Candi by the way... Im new to the forum.. Talk to you soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Hey all,

Thanks for the support. I am definitely feeling good that I am here. It is good to know that I will feel much better when this is all over and Hopefully be out by Thanksgiving. Good luck to all of you as well



New member
Home by Thanksgiving would be great! I'll send a prayer your way! BTW, I loved your How We Met story. Don't you love that first eye contact, and feeling all fuzzy about it? Oh to go back for a day...

Feel better soon!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
So sorry to hear that you are in the hospital!! I know that it's not fun...and being away from your little one makes it so much more difficult. I just wanted to tell you that I think your attitude is GREAT!! Staying such an important thing...and goes a long way to help us get through the tough things in life! I am praying that you will feel better soon...and be home to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family!! Hugs...Chloe


New member
Hi Emilee,

I lurk once in a while and have read your posts before (I have a 5 yr. old son w/CF). Sorry to hear you are in the hospital. I hope they are taking good care of you. Just wondering what center you're in (only if you're comfortable discussing it). I read on another post that you're LDS. We just moved from the Primary's CF clinic to another state and we're missing Dr. Chatfield & her team terribly. I hope all is well. You'll be in our prayers, ok?

Take care,


I loved Dr. Chatfield!!! She is the best! I am actually at the University of Utah hospital. I really don't mind talking about anything so if you have any questions feel free to ask. I am doing very well and I thank you for your email. Good luck with your son.



New member
I loved Dr. Chatfield!!! She is the best! I am actually at the University of Utah hospital. I really don't mind talking about anything so if you have any questions feel free to ask. I am doing very well and I thank you for your email. Good luck with your son.


So glad you loved the clinic. We miss Dr. C! We've even thought about making the trek to visit that clinic every 3 mo. even though we're out of state. Feel free to email me if you want to chat. Hang in there. I know how boring the hospital can get...



New member

Whereabouts in UT are you? We are missing the fall leaves here, but still love it. I also miss Cafe Rio!!! (sigh...) We also loved the foundation there. We were very involved with GReat Strides (my son's team always kicked butt!) and Taste of Salt Lake....this year was the 1st we missed it. We're looking forward to getting involved with Nevada's foundation - some great people here too.



New member
I'm so sorry to hear about you having to be in the hospital. I'm reading all the comments from everyone and getting very depressed. My daughter Katie (7) was just diagnosed with CF last month and I'm just trying to get a handle on it. It frightens me that the hospital will be a regular thing. Hopefully we will have a while before it comes to that. We're in Nashville at Vanderbilt's Children's Hospital. We've only been there a couple times, but they really seem nice.

Good luck to you and I'll certainly be praying for you! Enjoy the holidays with your family.

We live in Fairview Ut which is about 1 hr and 45 min. from Salt Lake.

For Christie, I never went in the hospital until I was 16 years old and then it was a yearly thing. After I had my baby I went in quite frequently but now I think I am stabilizing some and hadn't been in for 6 months. Please try not to get depressed. I know it can be difficult but I absolutely enjoy life and coming in once in a while actually gives me a little break <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Good Luck to you!



New member
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I guess we can consider ourselves lucky that Katie only has the digestive problems (for now). Our doctor said that this IS a progressive disease and she will eventually get the respiratory problems. My prayers are that her progression is slow and relatively painless.

She's always been a sickly kid, but it wasn't until recently that she began losing weight. We're having to fight with her to get her to take her enzymes. She decides what she is going to eat based on whether she will have to take medicine or not. She has been home from school the past few days with a fever....we believe she has some sort of virus. Go figure, if there is something going around, Katie will get it. She gets EVERYTHING. She's gained about 4 pounds in the past couple weeks, but I'm sure it was for not since she hasn't eaten much since Sunday. We go to our first clinic on Dec 1st.

Sorry to spill it all......Take care and thanks for listening.



New member
Emilee you are in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery so you can be out for Thanksgiving and back home with your little one. Best wishes! Cfmama
I just wanted all of you to know that I am doing very well and that my PFTs are at there highest point since before I got pregnant! It is amazing and my docs are absolutely shocked. They never thought it would happen. We are all very excited about this new "baseline"

For christy,
Hang in there and it is always good to vent to someone so feel free whenever you want!



New member
That is most excellent news to hear lovingbenandcambree...

When you go in the hospital do you use a computer of theirs, or one that you bring?


New member

So glad to hear that your PFT's are up! Wonderful news! How do you spend your days in the hospital? I'm just curious. I'm sure things can feel long and slow some days. Hang in there - Carey