Bad Accredited Clinic Experiences


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Well, here it is.... a place to rant about a crummy experience with ANY <b>accredited</b> CF center you've ever visited. Please only give really poor treatment (Please share SPECIFIC incidences (by ANY of your care team) when that posed a threat to your health or care). Basically, share experiences as though you were writing to CFF with a complaint on one of their centers. Give us the information you would want them to know about. PLEASE give the CF center and location (as this is a way to notify other patients and not just to vent).

I wanted to do this since the CFF is so apprehensive about sharing rankings of CF centers, and I personally think we have an obligation to one another to share our experiences if they may be detrimental to our health. Perhaps, by those in the CF community sharing THEIR opinions of centers, the CFF will get on board and allow more communication between what it knows of various clinics and how they relate to others. We can only hope, I guess.



New member
Well, guess I'll take the first stab....

My experience (first and last) with the clinic in Las Vegas was less-than-appealing. I had never met them before and came in after having been referred by my San Antonio clinic after we moved from there to Vegas area. Well, the clinic treated me like they had no idea why I was there if I wasn't sick! Well, for starters, "I have CF! I need to get in with a clinic so when I <i>AM</i> sick, I have somewhere to go who knows me and has my medical records, etc.".

Well, aside from acting like I was wasting their time (note: The dietician and social worker were very friendly), they were crabby and not helpful. The doctor, though seemingly concerned, listened to a couple places on my lungs and that was it. I felt like I wasted a trip coming to see them. Aside from the deitician and social worker, they were terribly rude. They rarely smiled, and one of them even talked badly about my previous CF nurse in San Antonio saying she "didn't know how to use a fax" and just "seemed irrational". Funny, I always LOVED my CF nurse in San Antonio. Found it unprofessional this person would complain to the patient about her and what a pain it was getting charts from her.

Then, just this last November (yes, it had been about 8 months of not contacting the LV center), I called them to ask if I could come in for my flu shot. I mentioned they had me on file and that I hadn't been there cause I was currently in a study at the University of Utah for my CFRD, and they followed me for care there every 3 months. I told Vegas clinic that Salt Lake clinic was 400 miles one way, and I couldn't go there just to get a flu shot. They told me the nurse said it had been too long since I'd been to their clinic, and I'd either have to come in for an entire clinic day (which, I doubt insurance would pay for since I was already having such days every 3 months in Utah) OR, I should "just go back to your center in Salt Lake". I explained to them it was 400 miles away (which they knew), and couldn't I just get the shot from them... I mean, they <i>knew</i> I had CF and had been to their center, so shouldn't they be more concerned for their patient and want to help out so I didn't get the flu?!? Obviously not. So, I just told them thanks for nothing and hung up vowing never to contact them again.

I found it unbelievable that:
A.) They didn't understand my plight and the fact I can't go to two CF clinics for the same tests/visits, etc. just in order to give me a flu shot!

B.) I hadn't been in town long, and didn't know where they were having flu shot clinics, so thought the very least they could to was point me somewhere in town like a Walgreens or something where I could get a shot.

C.) Isn't patient's well-being most important? I even told them they could call Salt Lake to verify I was in fact visiting them for a CFF study and all was up to date. If they needed records, Salt Lake could give it to them. Seems this was motivated by money (Vegas wanted to get more from me than a flu shot could provide) and, more likely, power (why would they possibly help a CFer from another center?!? isn't that one of the 7 deadly sins?!?)

So, you can see my disgust with the Vegas clinic. They were rude. They didn't seem to care about a fellow CFer and keeping me healthy (even though I had been to their center) unless I was willing to pay and take my time to re-do tests I had had done a month ago.

The whole thing left a terrible taste in my mouth. I will not go back there. Matter of fact, I'm trying to get a referral to a regular pulmonologist in town for emergencies. I don't trust this care center to have my best interests in mind, and am soooo glad I found this out early on before I got really sick and left my care in their hands.

So, that's my story.


New member
This isn't about our clinic experience, but a friend of mine's granddaughter and this is 2nd hand, so someone who actually GOES to this clinic can correct me/her if it's wrong.

My friend's granddaughter was diagnosed wcf at as a toddler and they were referred to the U of MN. Nobody told them about cross-contamination until after they were done with their appointment. The granddaughter had spent a good amount of time playing in the playroom with other children throughout the day. The grandmother indicated that they were very upset that people didn't inform them about cross contamination issues, and that there was actually a playroom/community waiting room at the CF Clinic. Again, Don't know if this is actually, true because we go to a different accreditted clinic. Liza


New member
I know from personal experience if you saw a doctor at a CF center for lets say ten years and then suddenly you take a eight month break, you cannot walk in and just get a flu shot. That would be wrong for any doctor to do. Because you cannot give a flu shot to someone who has not been examined for many reasons. If you were going to this center every three months then they would have updated tests on you. I understand that you would have to go on a CF day. This is a policy for all doctors I believe especially someone who has a chronic condtion. I would look at the CF team as a whole and not the flunkies in the office. There are always an under paid person who can ruin your day if you let them.

I think if you need this place as it is convienient for you then perhaps go back and speak up next time. Whenever I have spoken up, I always felt better. It is all in the manner in which you express. I am sure if you go back there and tell them whatever bothers you in a nice way you might change their attitude toward you. I bet you would get the respect you deserve.


New member
That is unfortunate that you had that expreience with the Vegas clinic. My daughter is a patient there (and has been for 6 years) and we <b>LOVE </b>it!


New member

I did tell her my disappointment when she denied me. She just said she was "sorry".

No, I didn't have to go to a clinic to get the flu shot (as mentioned, I could have gotten it at Walgreens, which I did end up doing a month later when one of them had a shot clinic). I understand that you can't "just walk in" and say "I want a flu shot", but I had been a patient of theirs AND was being followed by another clinic (which was more than happy to show them my records stating so)... so, I would have HAD to pay out of pocket for the entire appt. just to get a shot??? I did tell them there is no way BCBS would pay for a second sputum culture, second pft, second office visit in 2 months "just because". And, as mentioned, they could have easily gotten my records from Salt Lake.

The whole reason I called them to get it (aside from the fact that I just weeks ago moved there permenantly from Utah) was because I had called county health (who wasn't doing them until the following month) and various other places in town said the same thing. Some places did not even expect to get them. So, since I have a pre-existing condition, I did want to get mine early "just in case". That is all. I ended up having to wait well into January for a local Walgreens to start giving them. So, in a way, I think the Vegas clinic jeopordized my health.

Finally, if you needed a health exam to get the flu shot, why would there be so many flu shot clinics around town that you walk in, stand in line, roll up your sleeve, and leave? I've NEVER had to have an exam by my doc or CF team in order to be given a flu shot. And, sometimes I have gone 6 months without seeing my center, but as soon as the vaccine is available, they call and get me right in as a first priority (as all CFers should be).

To the anon who's daughter sees the clinic in Vegas, do you think you could PM me? I'd be interested in "chatting" with you. I know of a few other people who travel to Salt Lake to avoid the clinic in Vegas, and am interested to see what your <i>good</i> experiences are with them.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Why would you need to go to a CF center for a flu shot?</end quote></div>

As stated above:

B.) I hadn't been in town long, and didn't know where they were having flu shot clinics, so thought the very least they could to was point me somewhere in town like a Walgreens or something where I could get a shot.


New member
FOr years I didnt go to my CF clinic on a regular basis & then for anoter block of time I only went in for annual testing. Never did I have a problem getting my flu shot because I didnt go in frequently. To this day they will call patients to make sure they have gotten them or plan on getting them from somewhere even if its not thru the clinic. I guess it depends on the clinic, but if you are there patient I would think they should just be concerned about you getting vaccinated!


New member
OK, everyone... I know more than just <i><b>I</b></i> have had bad experiences!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

And, Liza... I always thought the U of M was better about such things... goes to show some of the "best" still can falter.

*** This wasn't supposed to be my own venting topic, so I hope others can get on and share a bit of their experiences. ****


New member
Now I understand what you mean Sonia. Sorry for misunderstanding you. As Jazzy moms stated all centers are different and a nice nurse can make all the difference. I say if you feel like giving them another chance do so if not try to find a good pulmonologist or infectious disease doctor. There are pulmo docs who are also infectious disease doctors.

I have had not had a specific problem with a cf center that I can remember because I have not gone to one in over ten years.

When I went to a cf center i told the nurse that I wanted her to clean my pft device in front of me. I have been told that I am a queen by one of the cf doctors many years ago. I just laughed it off because he was right. When you have trouble breathing a bad mood can set in easily and I feel there should be more understanding nurses and therapist in general. Then again it is only human nature. If a patient is difficult a nurse just wants to get in and leave.

When I was always nice, I would have the nurses spending much more time with me.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Why would you need to go to a CF center for a flu shot?</end quote></div>

I usually get my shots at a CF centre when I'm visiting clinic. If I know I'm not going to be at clinic during flu shot time, then I go to a walk in that gives shots for free. Here in Canada you can get flu shots free at any clinic if you have a condition with a low immune system, you take care of someone that can get sick easily, or you are partners with someone who has a condition, otherwise they cost money. Hence why I go to my clinic, because its a guarantee that they won't hassle me.


New member
We had a terrible experience at Childrens Hospital of Michigan in Detroit when my daughter was first diagnosed. She was diagnosed at our local hospital and our pediatrician was very honest in saying that he had no experience with CF. He ran through the list of CF clinics in Michigan and we chose Detroit because the doctors there make a pilgrimage to the Flint area (we are 40 miles from Flint rather than over 2 hours to Detroit) for clinic. Our first appt was made for 7am, we all piled in the car at 4am to get there, me, my husband, Abby, both of our mothers. At arrival, we were told that the clinic didn't open until 8am so we had a long time to wait. We kept thinking maybe the doctor planned on seeing us early. Once the clinic opened we were told that the doctor we had the appointment with was on vacation. This was the first strike against them. The doctor we did see seemed nice enough, the nutritionist seemed very helpful and I probably would have loved her. They admitted Abby that day because she vomited all over the doctor (reflux). He wanted to schedule surgery to correct the reflux and give her a feeding tube. Now, I wasn't completely opposed to having this done if it was absolutely needed, but I wanted a chance to get her weight up on our own. He did finally listen to us.

We were admitted for 4 days, the hospital itself was filthy, the nursing staff was rude or never around. The nurse our first night couldn't be bothered to bring in sheets or blankets for Abby's crib. My husband went searching the closets on the floor until he found some. We shared the room with another little girl that had her surgery a few days before. She was 3 or 4 at hated taking her meds so needless to say she had sticky meds and stuff her in long beautiful blonde hair. Her mother asked the morning nurse if she could give her a bath somewhere (reasonable question we thought) the nurse simply told her that if the mother could get the girl to eat she could take her home and give her a bath! I knew at that moment that this was not the place for us. Abby had a PICC line for her meds, one of the nurses didn't know how to change the port and screwed it up, we had to take it out.

A day before we were discharged, Abby coughed up blood, we asked the nurse about it and she told us it "looked" like the Reglan she had been given for her reflux. Reglan is orange, what she coughed up was definitely the color of blood. The next morning we were discharged, by the time we made the more than 2 hour drive home, Abby was dehydrated and lethargic and coughing up blood again, we ended up taking her to the local hospital. The pediatrician asked us to go back to Detroit by ambulance and I refused. At that point, he called University of Michigan talked to the cf doctor on call and of course they said to send her down by ambulance. We loved it from the minute we walked into the emergency room. The hospital is clean, the nursing staff is top-notch, always around, always willing to lend a hand. Our doctor is wonderful. I don't think Abby would have survived if it wasn't for the staff at U of M.

The staff at U of M asked why we left Detroit and just shook their heads in agreement when we told them our story. I don't think our horror story is the first they've heard.


New member
No problem!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sorry to hear Abby had such a terrible experience. Funny, the U of Utah also just shook their heads in agreement when I told them about the Vegas clinic. They also see various patients who won't go to the Vegas clinic.


New member
I was just wondering about the waiting room contamination situation
in other peoples clinics. Since Zoe was just diagnosed last year,
we have been to our clinic about 6 times. There is one large
waiting area. They see CF, asthma, allergies. We are always
extremely careful, don't let her touch anything, constantly using
the antibacterial stuff. We love our Dr.s and nurses at our clinic,
was just wondering about the waiting room issue.<br>
It is the Jacksonville, Fl. CF clinic by the way!


New member
As a long-time patient at the U of MN, I will agree with the waiting room. The adult clinic was setup about 6 or 7 years ago (?) - which I didn't even know about until one of the doctors asked me why I wasn't going to the adult clinic on another floor. I get put into a room right away, but I never knew about cross-contamination until this board. It was never discussed, and I never thought about it (even though that is why they stopped doing the cf camp).

I don't know what the procedure is now and if it has changed, but I understand your concern. The adult clinic is part of the transplant clinic, so I just try to stay away from everyone until I get put in a room.

I don't know if there are certain days for cfers with cep or not, but I have noticed that I always get put in the same room.



New member
To the anon who's daughter sees the clinic in Vegas, do you think you could PM me? I'd be interested in "chatting" with you. I know of a few other people who travel to Salt Lake to avoid the clinic in Vegas, and am interested to see what your good experiences are with them.

Hi Sonia - sorry I am just now getting back to you...I am trying to get a user name, but I keep getting errors...I think that is the only way to PM you. You can email me at and I will be happy to chat with you about it :)



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Why would you need to go to a CF center for a flu shot?</end quote></div>

the past two years flu shots have been in shortage in the US. only high risk patients have received the flu shot.... and often times CF clinics were able to get a hold of them because of their patient population.


New member
I have had two horrible experiences with the centers in San Diego/La Jolla, and Phoenix Children's. Between the two of them they each were responsible for aiding the loss of over 35-40% of my lung function. Specifically, (Practitioner 1 and Practitioner. 2)
Practitioner 1 and Practitioner 2 almost let me die, before I went to an alternate Pto diagnose 15 months of suffering with 7 parasites and 2 fungi. They kept assuring me that my dramatic and increasing symptoms (kidney failure, hemoptosys, daily fevers, night sweats, and weight loss) were apart of CF and my lung infections, when my superficial blood samples prove normal, and my lung infections were nothing quite so invasive. I am 5'6" and use to average 145 lbs. before all this transpired and at my worse I was 113 lbs., when I went to another Practitioner. And to add great insult to injury, Practitioner 1 would not return my calls to get test results and Practitioner 2 failed to demonstrate any leadership and either take control of my case or reprimand Practitioner 2. That year under their care I know of at least 3 CF patients who died under their care. They may very well have had nothing to do with these losses, but after my experience with them, I would not recommend them to my worst enemy. What puzzles me the most was in his aloof way Practitioner 1 was a wonderful Practitioner before the center tried expanding. When they had chaos was their operative word, and I ultimately fell through their gaping cracks. Before the 15 month incident my FEV1 base was around 80%, and after 55%.

<b><i>This message has been modified by the administrator. The moderator has edited out the practitioners' names. It is important to share your experiences plus and minus, however, please refrain from identifying practioners. Hopefully, these messages will help improve the care received.</i></b>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>zoe4life</b></i>

I was just wondering about the waiting room contamination situation
in other peoples clinics. Since Zoe was just diagnosed last year,
we have been to our clinic about 6 times. There is one large
waiting area. They see CF, asthma, allergies. We are always
extremely careful, don't let her touch anything, constantly using
the antibacterial stuff. We love our Dr.s and nurses at our clinic,
was just wondering about the waiting room issue.

It is the Jacksonville, Fl. CF clinic by the way!</end quote></div>

I cringe everytime I have to go to the emergency room. I go to the downtown emergency because that's where all my records are, and that's where my specialists and clinic is as well. The emergency room is horrifying sometimes. Half the time I'm there, there are people drunk or high throwing up god knows what in the waiting room, on a few occasions I've even seen blood on the floor. And then we've got the issue of panhandlers coming in looking for a buck or a smoke. The waiting room is always full of security too - at the very least there's always 4 security guards, and then at least 3 cops standing around. I try not to go to emerg unless its absolutly necessary, and when I do I make sure not to touch a single thing and I wear a mask. My bf keeps telling me to go to the emerg in our neighborhood because its so much better, but then what happens if they need my records, etc. PLus there are no CF doctors or even doctors who know a lot about CFers at the hospital in my area.