Bad Veins


New member
Ok i believe my veins dont work anymore. i cant keep a iv in for more then a day and it burns and stings and blows everytime i get one. THough no matter how much i tell the doctors this they never listen and deside to put me through hell anyways. I dont know why they wont work. Could it be bc ive had so many ivs before n my veins cant help it. what can i do? any suggestions would be great thank you all.


New member
A port may be your option-however I almost had to face a port when I was like 14 or 15. Then an IV tech told me to lift weights. It takes time to see results-at least 2 months of regular weight lifting, but you can build up your veins with weights.

Since then I've never had to think about ports again. If I were you I'd try that.
I was bad too, believe me, like PICC or mid lines that took 5 hours to get in, blood draws that took 5 sticks. But it's worth a shot to try the weights. Even if you go to WalMart and buy 5 pound weights and start out with that.

Good luck!


New member
If you don´t want a port, you could try some natural medicine, that strengthens the veins. I do always take it one week before IV and during the IV and in my opinion it helps.
The german name of the product is "Venoruton 300" and it contains 300 mg of
O-(ß-Hydroxyethyl)-rutoside, a form of Oxerutin and I take one tablet a day.



New member
My son got his first port at 2 months of age and his second at 4 years old. I would get a port if I were you, so much easier! Good luck.


New member
Do you mean a regular IV? Or does your PICC line blow too?

I can't keep IVs in for more than a day because the medicines are so strong and my viens blow too. But a picc line always last me the whole 2 weeks with no problems. Also, the regular floor nurse can never put the picc line in my arm successfully because my viens are so stubborn and roll. I always have my doctor sign me up to go to Interventional Radiology for them to put it in. They always do it perfectly, and it hardly hurts when they do it. Otherwise if the nurses do it, it kills. Hope this helps.


New member
At the age of fifteen I could no longer handle a regular IV or picc line. The last time I had had a picc line the doctor had to cut into my arm and ended up causing damage. So I decided that my best bet was to get a port. After haveing the port put in, my veins started to get better within a year. Now I can handle blood draws without any problem. I continue to use the port since it doesn't inhibit my activities all that much when I'm having treatments. When I'm not having IV meds there are no limitations because of the port. I do have to have it flushed once a month, which is no problem.


As christian stated, lifting weights is one way to bring more veins to the surface. The other suggestion is water, people that are dehydrated seem to be harder to stick than normal. Anyway...not many "quality" suggestions I know. I agree with the rest, it may be timew to consider some sort of med port, PICC, MID, or port-a-cath.



New member

I totally know where you are coming from I have the same, the first time I actually got them to "listen" to me about it they still have to try 21 times to get a vein !!!!!!! Then they finally gave in and put a picc line in. since I have have like 6 of them and I'd never go through a regular IV again.

I think our veins become resentful after being poked and prouded at for so long, they just say we give!! then blow with in hours of an IV going in.

I agree with the others' suggestions a picc or port. Would save time and be more productive.


New member
Vampy, I feel for you...I used to blow my IV's within the same day of insertion, I was literally the human pin cushion. The antibiotics were very harsh on my peripheral veins, often times I developed phlebitis. Then the docs switched to PICC's...only problem with those, I always developed some sort of bacteremia from those no matter how good I took care of them. I am now on IV's about every other month now, sometimes up to 6 weeks worth and now have a port, have had one since last June and I have to say that I love it. It has never given me any trouble and is easy to access. No waiting around for interventional radiology to put the PICC in, I just get the order of antibiotics, access my port and start my treatment. The nurses love it too as I have no veins in my arms...great for blood draws. I used to get stuck 5 or 6 times before they hit paydirt...Ow!!
Good luck with your decision. Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">