Balancing your own health problems while caring for your kids


New member
My doctors are always telling me I need to take more time for myself. I use a neb every 4 hrs take steriods for my lungs in all I have 14 meds. Some times my blood sugars are bad and they freak cause I tell them I missed some meds cause my kids were ill or had an apt. Is it wrong to prefer my child is getting their things done? They r babies can't do their breathing treatments alone.


New member
Not me I am diabetic gerd ibs allergies chronic broncitis(every 2-3) months asthma basicly I have every stomach and lung diagnosis but cf when I'm sick I cough up blood. But my babies do have cf. My lung function to quote my pulm dr is that of someone in their 60's Iam 23


New member
you sure you dont have cf....all those symptoms say you have it, but you still dont have to have cf to have those do a dna test?

i really dont know any advice to your question...can you get family or friends to help? maybe so you can rest or take some of the burden...maybe take them half the day every other day or something like that.


New member
Who's going to take of our babies if we're not around cuz we didn't take care of ourselves?????? You have to take care of yourself as well for your kids sake!



New member
Hi anonymous, I was always told the same thing allergies, sinusitus, chronic bronchitus, asthma. Low and behold I went to the right dr who knew right away I had CF. I was 30. Now 35 and I feel sooo much better being on the right meds. Although I had none of the digestion ailments or intestinal until after diagnosis. When you were tested did you go to a CF center or a CF related hospital. Because it makes a difference. I was tested at 13 yrs old at a non cf Hospital and it was negative 3 times. So there known to test wrong. Hopefully you test a bit further to be sure because it could make a big difference in how you feel. Thanks. Eva


New member
Hello I had a carrier screening but only showed d508 was not tested at cf center they would not test my youngest son at birth. Because they only tested for the most common mutations. while I was pregnant w/my sons I gained a lot(bedrest&steriods). Was in the hospital yesterday coughing up blood again bronc trouble. Have to see my pulm within the next wk and will talk about testing. Before kids ppl always tried to feed me. Also went to cf vist w/my sons' tday told me my oldest was kinda fat & looked really good 1st time he's ever been on the wht chart!
thanx ,
a mom


New member
I'm so sorry your going through so much. Did they say why your coughing up blood? My CF dr said sometimes you can cough a bit of blood if your lungs are to dry. I don't know if you use a humidifier or not. But it may help to keep you moist inside. I am glad your son is on the weight charts. Yea! It's always a great thing. Take care of yourself. Things will turn around soon! Eva