

New member
Is anyone on here enrolled in Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps? BCMH?
I am looking into this and yes, they do cover CF over their childhood guidelines (over 21 years old).
I'm looking for additional financial resources for IV's, home IV's, etc and I'd appreciate knowing what others have experienced with BCMH. Is it worth your while? Is it helpful?
I just want others advice.
Thanks in advance.

savannahs mom

Yes, our family has bcmh for our daughter and it helps so much. They help to cover co-pays, doctor visits and hospital stays. We already pay out so much for our health insurance and every little bit helps. My daughter is a senior in high school and getting ready for college so I always worry about her future and medical costs.


My daughter has it. I am not sure if you can age out of the program, I hope not. Its great as a supplemental program, picks up co-pays etc. i think its worth filling out the application to see if you can get it.


New member
I've been on BCMH for the majority of time I've been in Ohio. It does help greatly. While BCMH no longer covers any hospital stays, doctor visits, or testing; it helps get home IV's and medication. It is most definetly worth filling out the paperwork. IDK if you're working, but if you are having a difficult time getting insurance, or your work place insurance is costs too much. I know that at least in Ohio, there is a buy in program for workers with disabilites and CF is on the list. So that's something to look into too.