Ben is 2!!!


New member
Well Ben just turned 2 on Friday! We had a great time today celebrating in an all ELMO extravaganza! It was a beautiful summer day and the kids were all outside playing in the baby pool and throwing water balloons. We had a cookout and it was just a great day.

I must say how very grateful I am for this year of good health. I felt the universe very much gave us time to recover from his very difficult first year and to heal many of the scars we had picked up along the way. Now, I look at this sturdy little guy full of spunk and fire in his eyes and I have to stop to take it all in. He is my little baby boy, growing, jumping in every mud puddle he can find, teasing his sister, saying silly words like 'did daw" for trucks and "cakey" for his birthday cake. He is magnificent in everyway and I am awe struck at the things he has already shown me -us- our whole family. He is healthy, he is perfect, no matter what he has been challenged with or labeled as. He is my baby and I will always cherish each minute, each day, each year I am fortunate enough to share with him, as I do with my daughter who hasn't been challenged in quite the same way.

I just wanted to share our day with you all and write out my little mommy moment. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you all for sharing in Ben's growth, in his story thus far, and in helping me in so many ways to absorb this thing called CF into our lives. Thank you all for being honest and supportive. I only hope our family can return all of it back to you when you need it.

How do you attach a photo?



New member
Hi jody

I sat and read this and realised that I had a stupid big grin on my face. Your boy sounds like he can be a right handful, I bet your glad of that

As for the photo attachment, I'm the wrong person to ask.LOL


New member
I read this and had to say I know the feeling. Watching a child grow is a wonderous event that we get to appreciate in life. As for attaching a photo let me go through the steps. I will have to attach a photo myself to explain it step by step.
1. click on attach file
2. click browse on the top of next screen
3. select the photo you want to attach
4. double click on the photo (it will now have it in the box to the left of the browse button)
5. click upload file
6. it will appear in the file File listing box
7. highlight the attachment
8. click on attach file in the bottom right of the screen
Now it will show in the attachment box and that is it.
