best way to gain weight?

I'm 19 years old, i was diagnosed w/ Cf when i was 3 months old. ive always struggled with weight gain. just this past yeah i got up to about 98 lbs. probably the most ive ever weighed. but about 2 months ago my weight started to drop. i havent been in the hospital. but i think its getting time for a tune-up w/ some meds. sometimes i cough non stop all day & nights. i eat well, and i drink ensure everyday, but i just cant seem to gain. any help would be appreciated!!!!

I'm 19 years old, i was diagnosed w/ Cf when i was 3 months old. ive always struggled with weight gain. just this past yeah i got up to about 98 lbs. probably the most ive ever weighed. but about 2 months ago my weight started to drop. i havent been in the hospital. but i think its getting time for a tune-up w/ some meds. sometimes i cough non stop all day & nights. i eat well, and i drink ensure everyday, but i just cant seem to gain. any help would be appreciated!!!!

I'm 19 years old, i was diagnosed w/ Cf when i was 3 months old. ive always struggled with weight gain. just this past yeah i got up to about 98 lbs. probably the most ive ever weighed. but about 2 months ago my weight started to drop. i havent been in the hospital. but i think its getting time for a tune-up w/ some meds. sometimes i cough non stop all day & nights. i eat well, and i drink ensure everyday, but i just cant seem to gain. any help would be appreciated!!!!

I'm 19 years old, i was diagnosed w/ Cf when i was 3 months old. ive always struggled with weight gain. just this past yeah i got up to about 98 lbs. probably the most ive ever weighed. but about 2 months ago my weight started to drop. i havent been in the hospital. but i think its getting time for a tune-up w/ some meds. sometimes i cough non stop all day & nights. i eat well, and i drink ensure everyday, but i just cant seem to gain. any help would be appreciated!!!!

I'm 19 years old, i was diagnosed w/ Cf when i was 3 months old. ive always struggled with weight gain. just this past yeah i got up to about 98 lbs. probably the most ive ever weighed. but about 2 months ago my weight started to drop. i havent been in the hospital. but i think its getting time for a tune-up w/ some meds. sometimes i cough non stop all day & nights. i eat well, and i drink ensure everyday, but i just cant seem to gain. any help would be appreciated!!!!
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<br />Casey


New member
Have you tried Scandishakes? They are great, more calories then ensure. I'd try to drink two a day, it works! Then there's also snacks that pack calories.. Healthy fats likes nuts, peanut butter, bananas.
Bread and butter! Pasta with cheese and butter.. Salads with dressings.. Yum yum!

All this does work, but I have a G-tube. Scary at first, but I really went from 86 pounds to 97 pretty quickly(compared to how fast I'd gain before).


New member
Have you tried Scandishakes? They are great, more calories then ensure. I'd try to drink two a day, it works! Then there's also snacks that pack calories.. Healthy fats likes nuts, peanut butter, bananas.
Bread and butter! Pasta with cheese and butter.. Salads with dressings.. Yum yum!

All this does work, but I have a G-tube. Scary at first, but I really went from 86 pounds to 97 pretty quickly(compared to how fast I'd gain before).


New member
Have you tried Scandishakes? They are great, more calories then ensure. I'd try to drink two a day, it works! Then there's also snacks that pack calories.. Healthy fats likes nuts, peanut butter, bananas.
Bread and butter! Pasta with cheese and butter.. Salads with dressings.. Yum yum!

All this does work, but I have a G-tube. Scary at first, but I really went from 86 pounds to 97 pretty quickly(compared to how fast I'd gain before).


New member
Have you tried Scandishakes? They are great, more calories then ensure. I'd try to drink two a day, it works! Then there's also snacks that pack calories.. Healthy fats likes nuts, peanut butter, bananas.
Bread and butter! Pasta with cheese and butter.. Salads with dressings.. Yum yum!

All this does work, but I have a G-tube. Scary at first, but I really went from 86 pounds to 97 pretty quickly(compared to how fast I'd gain before).


New member
Have you tried Scandishakes? They are great, more calories then ensure. I'd try to drink two a day, it works! Then there's also snacks that pack calories.. Healthy fats likes nuts, peanut butter, bananas.
<br />Bread and butter! Pasta with cheese and butter.. Salads with dressings.. Yum yum!
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<br />All this does work, but I have a G-tube. Scary at first, but I really went from 86 pounds to 97 pretty quickly(compared to how fast I'd gain before).