Biology Project on CF


New member
I am doing a paper on CF for bio and I was wondering if you could help me. I would greatly appreciate it!

My questions are:
1. What is the current research on CF?
2. Are there any recent developments in the search for a cure or advancement to live a better life with CF?

Thanks for your help!



New member
There are some new nebulized medications out, Colistin (Coly-Mycin) is an "old" antibiotic but is recently being used for CFers as a nebulized antibiotic. It comes in a powder form so it has to be reconstituted before use with Normal Saline and sterile water (some people just use one or the other).

The research is always ongoing with CF, you can check out stuff on www., they keep track of medical advances and progress throughout the year. I contacted my local CF chapter (which you can find on the above listed website) and they sent me 2 pages of ongoing research and progress since the 80's.

There are gene therapy studies going on right now and some talk, but nothing conclusive on stem cell research. Again, a lot of that information can be found on the above website or just by typing in stem cell and CF.

Good luck, and thanks for the specific questions.
