Birth control question


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I was just reading in another section where you stated that birth control pills are not as effective in CF woman. Is this true???

This shocked me when I read it!! You would think this would be something that the doctors would mention ALOT to CF women.

I am so glad that I read this or I never would have known!!

I posted here so that we might talk a little more openly about it since there were really young girls on that post.



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They don't tend to work if you're on antibiotics. And with how often CFers are on antibiotics, they tend not to work. But that's the only reason I know of why this is true.


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There is another reason why:
As we all know, if we don´t take enough enzyms, we get our "special" diarroeh.And if you took your birth control pill at the "wrong" time, it might go out again without having time to be effective...



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I was always told to use condoms as well as the pill just in case, because of all the antibiotics that we're on causes the pill to be very ineffective. Like Uli also stated, because we have digestive problems, etc - it is possible for the pill to go in and out of our system, and not work at all.


I've heard that because of our systems the pill works just as effectively, if not more so than in normal people. Not sure where the person who said that in the first place got their information (I think it was a study).

My last ob/gyn appointment I asked about this, she said that reg. strength is fine just use common sense. Also I would search 'birth control' on this site, probably find some info.


New member
Speaking as a CFer who got pregnant while on the pill I would highly recommend alternative birth control methods. I will say I was on antibiodics and the Dr.'s did know I was "active", on the pill and on antibiodicts, they just "forgot" about that problem.


New member
i talked to my doctor about the possiblity of going on a lower dose pill recently. i didn't know if this would be a problem because of malabsorption (i am not on antibiotics much lately.) he said the lower dose pill should be fine. in fact, he quickly pulled up some information in the computer and found one study where cf women had absorbed MORE of the hormones from the pill they studied than regular women. i am set to start my new pills tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.

laura, 27


New member
This is quite interesting. Lots of different opinions.

I do not have CF and 2 out of my 3 children were conceived WHILE ON THE PILL.

If Courtney will need to take extra precautions I sure want to find out now.

Thanks for all the feedback!



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I have been told by my OB/GYN that the B.C. may not be as effective when I am on antibiotics. I have always associated the ineffectiveness with antibiotic use and not so much CF, but that is just because any time it is mentioned it is "Are you on antibiotics? Because if you are it can make the B.C. meds less effective."

As for absorption who knows. I took the pill for 4 - 5 years and didn't notice a problem, but now I am on the patch. It is a bit irritating with the adhesive but otherwise I love it in comparison to the pill - it is one less pill for me to remember. Also according to my doc the estrogen levels are higher in the patch than the pill I was taking.



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I have been on the pill for 4 years now and have not had a problem. It is a good idea to use a back up, like a condom when you are on antibiotics. But, I will be honest, I never do and no pregnancies yet (thank God, just have to get through another 3 months, then i will be married and it wouldn't be such a big deal.


New member
I am on antibiotics most of the time, so I had a big issue when I stared getting ready to go on BC.
There we're many that options that didn't have their effectiveness lowered by antibiotics. So I started on the Depo Provera shot. It wasn't effected by oral antibiotics. But-when I went on IV's I had to double up. Then, the shot just got to be too much for me. Its different iin everyone, so I'm not saying its bad. But, it made me very anxious, and extremely hormonal-emotional.
So I started on the Nuva Ring. Awesome! (for me) It's not effected by my Zithromax. or tobi, and a few others. When I go on IVs I still have to double up with condoms. When I started the NuvaRing I felt a difference in my emotional state within 2 weeks. I felt so much better, more balanced, I have regular periods, (ones you can time when they'll start and stop!) I reccomend it to anyone.


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I am a health educator in women's health - new CF diagnosis - and spending a lot of time looking at contraception through the CF lens. There are non hormonal methods that can also work well and you won't have to double up while on antibiotics. The copper IUD (see is a very effective, non hormonal method that is approved for use for women who have not yet had a full term pregnancy. Condoms can be 97% effective used by themselves. I welcome any questions about birth control from women with CF. There is some new data on the patch that users should discuss with their health care providers (higher levels of estrogen with increased risk of blood clots and stroke). Please let me know if you are experiencing increased vaginal discharge with the Nuva Ring. Anyone having problems with vaginitis - yeast or bacterial vaginosis? I would also love to hear from women with CF who have experienced menopause (yep, that's me)
wow, I hadn't heard that, I haven't had a problem at all. It was only when I went off the bc for a few months that I got pregnant, which is what we were shooting for. OTher than that it has worked great for me. I take Apri, just a pill.


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I had an IUD put in when Jazmine was about 5 months old. I dont know the brand name of it, but I know that it has a safe, lifespan of 10 years. So based on that I only have about 2 years. I have had no problems & its been fabulous not having to worry about being spontaneous or hormonal levels or even if my antiobiotics will make less affective.


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I either use condoms as a backup or the old fashioned method of just telling my partner to pull out before...well, you get the idea. But just as an example, my staph flared up this week and my doc put me on an antibiotic called dicloxacill. And it clearly says on the front label that it decreases the effect of birth control pills. I'm not sure if all antibiotics state that now, but it would be much nicer if they did.


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I've heard both that anibotics do and don't affect pills, but as far as digestion, BC pills are not absorbed the same way as our food.

From what I remember, because what we are absorbing from the pills are the hormones, they get absorbed just with contact - they do not need to be broken down to be absorbed (like our food does - which is why we take enzymes. Enzymes don't help us absorb our food, but rather to break the food down enough that it can be absorbed).

I take a low dose pill that seems to work fine (I can tell because my periods are regular), but I do always use a condom also, as I am on constant antibotics and don't want to take any chances.



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Lilith, pulling out is not a good choice. Not to be too graphic here, but when men get excited, they secrete a small amount of substance to help lubricate - that substance contains sperm. Not a lot, but it only take one sperm to fertilize an egg.



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Don't worry. We rarely use that method, and if we do, I make absolutely sure its nowhere near my ovulation cycle. A kid is that last thing we need. Thanks for the concern, though.