

New member
So when I first wake up, I almost always (not always though) look like I'm in good shape, like when I flex my stomach I can see abs decently. But as the day goes on, my abs look worse and worse and (it pains me to say this) I eventually have a bloated looking stomach. I don't know if s is bloating. But I kinda look like I'm pregnant, even though I'm a guy! I don't always take my pills FYI. But I'm at a good weight. I always suck in, but if I don't, it looks like I have a beer belly. Yet when I lie down, my stomach (sometimes) goes below my ribs! So whats going on!? If I were truly fat and had a beer belly, wouldn't my stomach look the same even when I lie down? What can I do to fix this? Even in the morning my stomach somewhat descends, but it doesn't get in the way of how my body looks.

Most mornings, my body looks really, really good. Like it looks toned and such. But it disappears by the end of the day:(


New member
That's because we fill our stomach with food throughout the day. (some other causes too like slightly shrinking throughout the day etc. but..) Every person has this healthy or not. Ripped or not.
When a bodybuilder or actor has to show them abs they tend not to eat prior to it. ..But like the rest of us they also can't keep that up on a normal day.


New member
Story of my life! Its like im pregnant! Im in a normal weight for my height (57kg and 164cm) In the morning its kinda normal but at night it gets twice its size. It looks so abnormal i dont know what to do!


New member
You aren't alone. I my CF friends ( girls and guys) have a buddha belly. I don't know why this is. I always thought it might be due to our malabsorption issues, even though we take digestive enzymes. It's really REALLY hard to find jeans that fit right and don't smush me in the stomach by the end of the day.


New member
Yep malabsorption issues (..extra gas!) combined with our strange ribcages, spines, postures, breathing and strange organs. Combined with our overly thin arms, legs, shoulders and the rest. Combined with extra food intake, and our guts are going to look big for our bodies.

But healthy people bloat too. (infact, most of them are fat even in the morning) It's just that in a bigger muscular body the gut is going to look relatively smaller.

Have that Buddha belly too and it's more noticeable the skinnier I get. Now I'm heavier and my waist is even bigger (much stronger core) but it looks considerably smaller/"normal" because the rest of me filled out some thanks to weightlifting.


New member
Yeah all of those and stand on one leg, trying to form new phonetical sounds and words. Only interrupted when a thought comes to mind which must then be expressed through interpretive dance.


New member
Ahhhhh I'm like this too, I hate it so much I look like I'm expecting triplets :p
The whole top half of me looks weird because of big rib cage and then a huge tummy and a lot of the time it makes me so sad :( glad to see its not just me though! :)


New member
I think all CF'ers have this 'Buddha Belly' problem. I know I've had it all my life. I can't tell you how many times I've been called an Ethiopian. Skinny arms & legs, ribs showing & yet I still have a big gut! I have no idea how my Wife could consider me even somewhat physically attractive. At this point, I really don't care. I realize when you're young & dating, you always want to look your best. Having the Buddha thing going on sure doesn't help. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. Just one of the 'joys' of having cystic fibrosis.


Super Moderator

I wish I could solve the problem of bloating. It could help a lot of people and maybe I can retire rich. I am going out on a limb here and suggest you take up Yoga. I am not talking about the usual Energy Yoga classes for the too healthy.

Every topic post you have placed is all one topic. You can’t decide how you feel about having CF. Part of this is taking responsibility for your body including getting to know it. With all your great questions, you will soon master the art of CF management. Yoga is a philosophy first, sort of like a religion or a life code, it has a more comprehensive scope than firming your abs.

Yoga may have saved my life. I am possibly the happiest person in the world. This comes naturally and I had never really worked at being happy. When I was around twelve, I realized that I felt like crap most of the time. Food, which I had been the original garbage gut had betrayed me. The period of time from eating to feeling like dying was short enough to associate food with nausea. Take this example and apply it to four or five other issues and life gets a little hard to push through.
If you really want to conquer CF, master Yoga. To save you some time, find these books and study them.

  1. Hatha Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka
  2. Raja Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka
  3. Gnani Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka
Hatha and Raja are inseparable so count on reading both. Google Hatha Yoga and it will explain what is in store for you and how it can help.

Gnani Yoga is a meditative form of exercise. Although meditation is probably hard for your CF strained, hormone filled body, it is cool meditation. I learned to alter my heart performance, years ago getting it down to a dozen or less beats per minute. When it comes to controlling your abdomen, Hatha and Raja yoga can help reduce the inflammation and eliminate the gas that cause bloating. Don’t underestimate how much of your beer belly is just normal tissue very inflamed, distended or bloated. Bloating usually implies gas and most times it is part of it. Gnani yoga will give you a philosophical base, or acquiring the wisdom to deal and cope with life’s issues which for you includes CF. You have it, don’t let it have you. Gnani Yoga can help you fast track the sense that CF is just CF and Enzo is far more complicated and precious than some disease.

Getting religious with your yoga routines can help you take control of your insides, literally. While Hatha and Raja yoga are making you healthy, you are also learning to consciously control organs otherwise believed to be beyond your ability control. Learn it well and you can do things you can’t now imagine. How about being able to lie down for twenty minutes and command your intestines to move all the gas through the bowels. A stop in the bathroom and you’re out for the evening without a beer belly.

Right now bloating is “just part of the fun” of having CF. If you are determined to change that, what I have described works. It works for anybody willing to dedicate the effort it takes to control the autonomic functions of our bodies. I would warn you that there are thousands of books on yoga. The three books I listed were published around 1900 so look online for used books. This is pretty much the source material for all the English language Yoga books written since.

If you want to dip your toe in Yoga, pick up “An Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahnsa Yogananda. There is a series of pictures showing a yogi dropping his colon and intestines out his anus into a large pan of water. I worked on that trick for about five years. I got as far as my sigmoid colon but my brother could duplicate the Yogi’s turning his intestines inside out for a washing. Oh, Paramahnsa Yogananda had a pot belly too.



Me too

I am like this daily and have been for years. I can't eat any carbs. My stomach blows up
So when I first wake up, I almost always (not always though) look like I'm in good shape, like when I flex my stomach I can see abs decently. But as the day goes on, my abs look worse and worse and (it pains me to say this) I eventually have a bloated looking stomach. I don't know if s is bloating. But I kinda look like I'm pregnant, even though I'm a guy! I don't always take my pills FYI. But I'm at a good weight. I always suck in, but if I don't, it looks like I have a beer belly. Yet when I lie down, my stomach (sometimes) goes below my ribs! So whats going on!? If I were truly fat and had a beer belly, wouldn't my stomach look the same even when I lie down? What can I do to fix this? Even in the morning my stomach somewhat descends, but it doesn't get in the way of how my body looks.

Most mornings, my body looks really, really good. Like it looks toned and such. But it disappears by the end of the day:(


Super Moderator
Awh, come on. Don't toss the baby out with the bath water. The chasm between the kernel of Yoga in 1900 when it was a true mystic endeavor and franchised Yoga gyms today is massive. I am as unfamiliar with modern yoga as most people are with my studies of yoga, preserved unadulterated for a thousand years before.

The loonier half of my family practiced yoga much like the holistic and naturepathic fanatics today. My mother, brother and I were zealots, the difference in our wellbeing and energy was enticing if not a little addictive.

I peeled off from the greater depths of mysticisms yoga embraced and watched them progress. At a point you almost have to decide between total immersion, becoming a Yogi, or backing off to use yoga as a way to work well with your body.

Not to get onto a soap box but even Medicare is supporting a multi-dicipline approach to health. These include a PCP, psychological mentor such as a psychiatrist, physical exercise participation which could pilates to weight lifting and finally something to aid the spiritual needs which may be Yoga.

I am not knocking popular yoga by any means. Many subcribe to Hatha poses and routines but somehow they do group yoga. My yoga was always most effective alone and in silence.

At least you read the whole post,



New member
I used to suffer from this alot, to the point where my abdomen would get so bloated it would push on my diaphragm and prevent me from breathing deeply. I no longer suffer from this problem because I changed my diet and my eating patterns. This is how I did it:

1) Cut out all sugars, grains (esp. gluten), and very starchy vegetables
2) Proper food combining - i.e. protein only with green vegetables; fats with any vegetable, select carbs, and some fruits; very sweet fruits alone
3) Small, frequent meals

All this is outlined on my website.

The main cause is carbohydrate malabsorption which feeds bacterial fermentation in the intestines, and causes bloating (with gas and inflammation) and G.I. discomfort. In addition, poor food combinations can slow digestion to the point where things get clogged up and don't move. Before I changed my diet, if I ate carbs and proteins together my digestion would get so slow it would feel like nothing was moving for hours and hours. I would have to skip my next meal just because my stomach hadn't emptied yet. Try proper food combining. It will revolutionize your digestion. Now I eat small meals of only a few ingredients and with proper combinations, and I digest so well and quickly that I'm able to eat every couple of hours, letting me up my calorie intake (I'm trying to gain weight right now).

Hope this helps. Be well!


sounds like me! I also just learned about Cystic Fibrosis Related Metabolic Disorder. I know nothing about it except that it exsists. anyone know anything about it?


New member
It was happening to me over the past 2-3 years at a growing rate. Turned out I had developed gluten intolerance. I quit gluten, and boom, flat belly all day long. If you are already pretty sure you're on the right dosage of enzymes (which is another reason for big belly), you can give it a try. With just 1-2 weeks you notice a difference, if that is being an issue. And it's not at all so hard to eat gluten free, I've been GF for almost a year and a half, and I'm completely comfortable with it.


New member
I use to get bloated too until I gave up wheat and followed a more natural 'paleo' diet. Now I never get bloated. Switching to coconut oil helps too as it is very easily digested.


Super Moderator
CRMS or Cystic Fibrosis Metabolic Syndrome is what used to be atypical CF. When genetic testing began to make statistical sense with regard to newly discovered CFTR mutations, infant testing no longer ignored certain mutation patterns as carriers having no symptoms. I could have been CRMS having only a single copy of S1235R (after full sequencing) but my sweat tests were conclusive, and done prior to genetic testing.

From what I have gathered, it encompasses some but not all the issues of CF, often GI focused or milder pulmonary issues often what had been considered mild CF. Experience is showing, especially with so many late diagnosed CFers that mild CF still has a progressive decline, it just may take longer. If my CF had been suspected thirty years ago and CRMS was a sub classification of CF, likely I would have been classified CRMS.

I remember when my CF specialist was working on the simple model of having CF, or being a carrier presumably with no symptoms. As a geneticist I was certain this was an assumption based on very limited data. I was proof! I had a firm diagnosis of CF prior to being relegated to a mere carrier. Fortunately my doctor treated me for my medical issues as soon as we put the medical hoo haw out of the way.

Some people are offended at being told you aren’t sick enough to be classified as having CF. It really isn’t that at all. When the genetic testing is absolutely certain, the diagnosis gets stuck regardless of symptoms. In my mutation there is evidence it actively interferes with the perfect CFTR gene copy, often causing asymptomatic CF. Anybody with S1235R as an example, would be either CRMS or atypical CF, depending on how the accumulated data indicates as an infant. Depending on if or when issues present, you move into the category of atypical CF or just CF.

If I had been diagnosed CRMS at say age 20, my malnutrition/malabsorption could have been resolved and I wouldn’t have a lifetime of doctors looking suspiciously at “all my little problems”. Eventually many in the holding area of CRMS will move into the full CF category as time takes its eventual toll. For some, a lifetime as CRMS may be miserable but manageable. For others, the metabolic syndrome part of the category starts to show with CFRD and total PI along with an immunity collapse as organ systems decline or fail.

Exactly why it is called a metabolic syndrome is a little technical, but bloating is just some of it.
