blocked tear ducts and CF


New member
My 22 mo. old son has had problems with bloked tear ducts. He had the probing procedure done and it didn't seem to do much good. The dr said that he definitely cleared a blockage, but he still continues to have problems. Not all the time but once in awhile they get pretty bad. I am wondering if this could be related to his CF/thick secretions. Has anyone else had any problems like this? The next step, if we decide to do so, is reconstuctive surgery where they "build" brand new tear ducts. If it is because of thick secretions wouldn't they just get clogged again?



New member
Hi Nicole - Jason had problems with his tear ducts until he was about 2 1/2. We eventually just massaged them as directed even when he wasn't having problems. Then around 2 1/2 we stopped and he didn't have anymore problems. A lot of the times when he did have problems, he was also having sinus problems. He also had tracheamalasia and also needed ear tubes. The ear tubes were placed at 18 mos. which took care of the ear problems and actually now that I look back, his tear ducts weren't blocking as much after that either. When they did, they cleared up quicker. I wonder if the high salt content would have anything to do with the blockages? I don't know if any of this helps, but I thought I would share in case of any similarities. Jason still wakes up some mornings and needs a warm wet cloth to clear the gunk that is stuck - mostly during allergy seasons.

Jo Ann


Digital opinion leader
Josh had blocked tear ducts when he was born. It worked itself out with massage. Never thought about it being CF related- quite possible.


New member
My daughter also had blocked tear ducts, that eventually went away. Never thought of there being a connection, but I guess anything is possible.


New member
Sophia had blocked tear ducts as well. It eventually went away when she was around 2.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


New member
I had a tear duct operation when I was little. I can't remember how young I was or what was actually done (I'd have to ask my mum) but I do know I had it done!


My daughter had a tear duct problem when she was an infant. We massaged them and that took care of the problem. Until seeing your post I forgot about it. We didn't know she had cf at the time so would never have associated it with that.