Blokage and vomiting usually happed together?


New member
Our 5 year old daughter has had a lot of partial blockages in the last few years. Today she lost her appetite completely and has not gone to the bathroom. About 10 minutes ago she vomited. We are giving her Exlax chocolate squares and Miralax thinking she may be blocked? My question is, does vomiting usually occur with a bad blockage? Amanda often gets nausious when she is partially blocked, but this is the first time she vomited. Also she has a fever of 101. Maybe she just has a stomach bug, we are unsure. Does a fever ever occur with a blockage? Thanks.


New member
Our 5 year old daughter has had a lot of partial blockages in the last few years. Today she lost her appetite completely and has not gone to the bathroom. About 10 minutes ago she vomited. We are giving her Exlax chocolate squares and Miralax thinking she may be blocked? My question is, does vomiting usually occur with a bad blockage? Amanda often gets nausious when she is partially blocked, but this is the first time she vomited. Also she has a fever of 101. Maybe she just has a stomach bug, we are unsure. Does a fever ever occur with a blockage? Thanks.


New member
Our 5 year old daughter has had a lot of partial blockages in the last few years. Today she lost her appetite completely and has not gone to the bathroom. About 10 minutes ago she vomited. We are giving her Exlax chocolate squares and Miralax thinking she may be blocked? My question is, does vomiting usually occur with a bad blockage? Amanda often gets nausious when she is partially blocked, but this is the first time she vomited. Also she has a fever of 101. Maybe she just has a stomach bug, we are unsure. Does a fever ever occur with a blockage? Thanks.


New member
Our 5 year old daughter has had a lot of partial blockages in the last few years. Today she lost her appetite completely and has not gone to the bathroom. About 10 minutes ago she vomited. We are giving her Exlax chocolate squares and Miralax thinking she may be blocked? My question is, does vomiting usually occur with a bad blockage? Amanda often gets nausious when she is partially blocked, but this is the first time she vomited. Also she has a fever of 101. Maybe she just has a stomach bug, we are unsure. Does a fever ever occur with a blockage? Thanks.


New member
Our 5 year old daughter has had a lot of partial blockages in the last few years. Today she lost her appetite completely and has not gone to the bathroom. About 10 minutes ago she vomited. We are giving her Exlax chocolate squares and Miralax thinking she may be blocked? My question is, does vomiting usually occur with a bad blockage? Amanda often gets nausious when she is partially blocked, but this is the first time she vomited. Also she has a fever of 101. Maybe she just has a stomach bug, we are unsure. Does a fever ever occur with a blockage? Thanks.


Take her to a doc asap IMO. Vomiting was the first sign of my son's full blockages. Fever can occur with blockage when intestine is compromised. That was the major sign that my son needed bowel resection. Don't wait to get this treated. It may end up being nothing, but it's better to treat early if it is a blockage.


Take her to a doc asap IMO. Vomiting was the first sign of my son's full blockages. Fever can occur with blockage when intestine is compromised. That was the major sign that my son needed bowel resection. Don't wait to get this treated. It may end up being nothing, but it's better to treat early if it is a blockage.


Take her to a doc asap IMO. Vomiting was the first sign of my son's full blockages. Fever can occur with blockage when intestine is compromised. That was the major sign that my son needed bowel resection. Don't wait to get this treated. It may end up being nothing, but it's better to treat early if it is a blockage.


Take her to a doc asap IMO. Vomiting was the first sign of my son's full blockages. Fever can occur with blockage when intestine is compromised. That was the major sign that my son needed bowel resection. Don't wait to get this treated. It may end up being nothing, but it's better to treat early if it is a blockage.


Take her to a doc asap IMO. Vomiting was the first sign of my son's full blockages. Fever can occur with blockage when intestine is compromised. That was the major sign that my son needed bowel resection. Don't wait to get this treated. It may end up being nothing, but it's better to treat early if it is a blockage.


Don't wait too long. Vomiting and lethargy were my son's signs. Best of luck to you!


Don't wait too long. Vomiting and lethargy were my son's signs. Best of luck to you!


Don't wait too long. Vomiting and lethargy were my son's signs. Best of luck to you!


Don't wait too long. Vomiting and lethargy were my son's signs. Best of luck to you!


Don't wait too long. Vomiting and lethargy were my son's signs. Best of luck to you!


I totally agree with the others. Call the doc and get her in for an abdominal x-ray. Good luck, please post an update.


I totally agree with the others. Call the doc and get her in for an abdominal x-ray. Good luck, please post an update.


I totally agree with the others. Call the doc and get her in for an abdominal x-ray. Good luck, please post an update.


I totally agree with the others. Call the doc and get her in for an abdominal x-ray. Good luck, please post an update.


I totally agree with the others. Call the doc and get her in for an abdominal x-ray. Good luck, please post an update.