Blood Clots


New member
Just wanted to know if anyone has ever had a blood clot? I had one a few years ago, which was not detected straight away as I also have liver disease (it is thought to be impossible to get blood clots with a bad liver).

Anyway, it was a severe clot and I will be on Warfarin for good, but I have never heard of of another CF person having one. I had a port at the time (it had been in for about 5 years and was fantastic) which they removed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> when the clot was found. The clot was in my left femeral vein (near the groin) and the port was in my right femeral vein, but they don't think the port was the cause. I had not been flying or any of the other usual causes, and my blood work was all normal i.e. no genetic history etc

My lungs are pretty good and I have not been in hospital for almost 3 years. I haven't been on here before, so I hope someone out there might have a similar experience.

p.s I am 24 and happily married!


New member

I got a port put in my right upper arm in 1999 and within a few weeks I noticed that my arm and hand were swelling up, particularly after working out at the gym. An ultrasound showed a blood clot under my right clavicle, the result of having my port put in. I was then put on twice daily shots of heparin for 3 months, which halted the expansion of the clot, but it's still there. I can no longer use my right arm to lift anything over about 1 kilo, it really sucks as I loved playing squash, going to aerobics and lifting weights. The port still works perfectly, though.


New member
Thanks Kylie

I appreciated your response. I think I'll have to put it down to having a port too. My leg still gets tired, and swells occasionally, but I guess it could have been heaps worse.