Hi everyone...I was wondering if anyone had a blood gas done or knows anyhting about them. On Tuesday Malora had one done. It clotted to fast...so it was no good. We go back today for another one. This time they ran that blood to the lab fast. The results came back as follows:
pH Arterial 7.361
pCO2 Arterial 32.0 (low)
pO2 Arterial 118.0 (high)
Bicarb Arterial 18 (low)
O2Sat Areterial 98
How can you have to much oxygen in your blood? If it was low they can do something about it. They ran other labs and her D-Dimer is still high. Her Lymphocyte is high and so is the abosolute lymphocyte count and eosinophil count and then the neutrophil count is low.
She sleep about 14 to 16 hours aday. She is just 15. Has anyone else ever had this problem. Mean while we are waiting for GI, pulomnay and cardio to all discuss what is going on with her.
Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf
pH Arterial 7.361
pCO2 Arterial 32.0 (low)
pO2 Arterial 118.0 (high)
Bicarb Arterial 18 (low)
O2Sat Areterial 98
How can you have to much oxygen in your blood? If it was low they can do something about it. They ran other labs and her D-Dimer is still high. Her Lymphocyte is high and so is the abosolute lymphocyte count and eosinophil count and then the neutrophil count is low.
She sleep about 14 to 16 hours aday. She is just 15. Has anyone else ever had this problem. Mean while we are waiting for GI, pulomnay and cardio to all discuss what is going on with her.
Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf