Blood sugars


New member I have been drinking Diet Coke for sometime now and watching my diet the proper way and everytime I check my sugars even if I break the rules a lil bit they are always low. Now I am pretty religious about my meds ( over last year or so neglected health in my teenage years ) but I just cant seem to take Glucophage all the time. It is like a mental neglect that I dont have diabetes. It isnt type 1 type 2 is for unhealthy eaters ( fat people sorry ) but seriously iit is jus tnot a problem. does anyone else or has anyone else been told they are CFRD and not know what they hell is going on. I check my sugars like once or twice aday and never above 130....generally like 90 when i wake up and betwen that range....i also just got the vest a couple of months ago...youd think with all the technology today you wouldnt have something that makes you look like a ***** human vaccum..pardon my language but seriously that thing has its own area god its only air...looks like a damn vietnam radio.....anyways just dropppin some stufff that was btohering me

mike 22/m cf & cfrd


New member
Type 2 is the one obese people can get.
Your 2 hour (after meals) blood sugar reading would indicate if you have glucose tolerance problems. If you eat a meal and dessert or something with sugar in it (as part of your meal) and you took no insulin or diabetes pills with that meal and then 2 hours later you have a blood sugar in the normal range, then I would say you have been mis-diagnosed and I would ask your doctor about it.
The only other thing may be that your blood sugar level before you eat is so low that even after eating sugar you have a normal post meal blood sugar. I know it's another stick you don't want to have to do, but it may be good to take your blood sugar right before you eat & then again 2 hours later <i>then</i> tell your doctor what your levels were, what you ate & see what they say.


New member
just clarifying something here. type 2 diabetes isnt just restricted to fat people. it can be genetic too. also, your sugars are probably normal because you are following a diabetic diet, something that isnt good for cf'ers.