I don't know of any particular books to recommend. Maybe your local CFF chapter would have something, but I'd be careful of what you give them to read. Especially given your situation.
When Jordan was dx at 15, the literature/videos given to me were of no help, because that wasn't what my son had experienced. I was handed a bag full of stuff, that scared the living daylights out of me! They should never have given me the "cookie cutter" CF info like that.
When I found this site, I realized the many different faces of CF, and I began to understand Jordan's dx better. CF is so hard to explain to people, because just when you think you've got your child's CF down, it changes. Learning from the people here with CF has been more helpful to me than anything the clinic every gave me.
We have grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. here. Anyone who loves someone with CF is welcome here, and in my opinion, this is a REAL learning source. Of course you always have to consult your child's doc before doing anything that others might be doing, but it gives you ideas to bring up at clinic visits that your doc may not have thought of.