There is a great book called "Cystic Fibrosis: A Handbook for teachers and Day Care Providers." It talks all about CF and gives teachers/care givers information about all aspects of CF (including coughing, hand washing, germs, etc.) You should be able to get it from your center, although I just got mine at our CF Foundation office (I was there picking up information for Great Strides and they gave me a copy). It is printed (or funded) by Solvay Pharmaceuticals - so you also might try contacting them. In the meantime, you can log onto Click on the "Living with CF" icon. Then click on "Parent and Family Eduction." Scroll about half way down the page and you will see a section called "Teacher's guide to CF" - it is in blue ink and underlined. Click on it. It is almost the exact same thing as the little book mentioned above. You can actually print it out from your computer. This is what I do for all of my son's teachers and coaches. The printed out version is nice and handy, but the booklet is nice for what you describe you need it for. The first page even has room for all emergency contact information (doctor, cf center, etc.). Hope this helps.Katrina (