So both girls are sick. Coughing, sneezing, ear infections. They think it's RSV which freaked me out. I have a kid with CF and a 7-week-old! So anyway, we ended up taking Katie to the ER the other night 'cause my husband got really scared when he heard her wheezing. Well they wanted to xray her to check her lungs and I was so tired and scared and I let them do it. And now I am so regretful. The stupid xray didn't tell us anything we didn't know and she's 7 weeks old for crying out loud. I am so worried about her exposure to radiation now, and also I'm starting to worry about Maggie and her yearly xrays. Anyone else feel this way? I feel so guilty - like I let Katie down. There are studies that early radiation exposure can mean cancer has longer to grow and be there as an adult. Ugh.. I feel sick to my stomach over this. Does anyone skip xrays or CT scans on their kids?