? bout mickey button


New member
Our sons mickey button is a little loose. The dr. said he had 3cc of water in the balloon on thurs. That was the limit. She also prescribed a medicine to put on the area that was pink. I think it has got worse....it looks like the inside of a lip is coming out from under the button. He says it doesnt hurt but looks awful. What is this? It will NOT come off. Should I call the dr. MON. or do something now?She also said he may need to get it changed soon. He just got it this month. (to a longer tube)


Digital opinion leader
It sounds like granulation tissue. (google it) Its an extra build up of tissue that grows up out of the hole. My son had it once. It kept growing up out of the hole and was very raw. They cauterized it with silver nitrate and put cream on it to stop it from coming back. It hasn't happened since (2 years) Putting stomahesive powder on it help too.
Its not dangerous, only gross. Call the doc on Monday.
Good luck.



New member
Thanks Jane. I just got the cream they want me to put on it.....Triamcinolone? Where can you get that stoma powder?