I BF my daughter till she was 11 months old. I would have gone longer but I was doing alot of in and out of the hospital at the time (had some sudden non cf related surgeries).
I loved nursing her, but by the time she was 11 months I could see she wasn't that interested anymore. That goes with her independant spirit!
I am currently BF my son who is almost 10 months and I doubt I'll be stopping anytime soon. He loves his boobie time! That goes with his sensitive spirit! Very funny
I am feeling like I'm getting to be done with BF, but if he wants it I'll keep up with it a while more.
My weight is fine, I'm 5' 3" and 122 lbs. My doc is totally supportive of BF. She was apphrensive about me nursing my first, but we didn't know at the time if I'd do ok with the preg, ect. Now that she sees I do fine with it, she's ok with me nursing. In fact, she sees it as slightly more protection from viruses in my kids-which means slightly more protection for me.
My daily meds are albuterol, saline, advair, occasional pulmicort, zithromax, protonix, cayston month on and month off. I just did a round of IVs during which I was on Tobramycin and Ceftin, plus 30 mgs of Prednisone. I'd do my Tobra dose, and refrain from BF for 3 hrs, till its half life had passed (the time in which half of the medication passes out of your bloodstream).
All my doctors agreed that this may have been overkill, but I wanted to be extra cautious. So all in all, during this time I did basically half BF, half formula. By the end of my IVs, my milk supply had lowered alot but it came back just fine within 2 weeks. I'm now back to full time nursing.
For questions about nursing and meds I've relied heavily on kellymom.com. And my docs are supportive of that guidance. You can't trust advice from OBGYNs regarding nursing and meds-med safety for BF and pregnancy are completely different. The best place to get info is lactation consultants or lactation nurses. Another great resource is any info written by Dr. Tom Hale-the worlds authority on meds and BF. My doctor uses him alot.
As far as Cf goes, the only obstacle that comes up is your weight and health. I try to drink and eat just like I would while pregnant, so my body doesn't get depleted. Some docs say not to BF, so that baby will sleep through the night but the reality is that facts show that baby will wake up the same amount whether he gets formula or breastmilk. Your better bet would be to give baby to daddy a few nights here and there and sleep in another room for a 'mommy sleep vacation'.
These are the main things I can think of. Please feel free to ask anything you can think of...specific meds, info on lactation categories, etc.