
New member
Being au fait with all the benefits of breastfeeding, but especially the fact of its conferring IMMUNITIES to the baby, does anyone know what effect antibiotics given to a young baby have on the natural immune system? I ask because I would've thought that they would work against it, thereby not only destroying the body's own system, but possibly confusing it and creating negative results. ??


New member
...PLEASE... just tell me your experiences, with very young babies. Perhaps it's uncommon for v.yng ones to be given antibio's?? (as well as the enzymes and juice.)


New member
Hi There,
I breastfed my son with CF for 16 months, in those first few months we were on antiobiotics a few times.
My doctor said that the breastmilk was providing enough good bacteria while he was on a course of a/bs and not to worry.
However after he stopped feeding from me I gave him a probiotic when he would go on a course, mostly because he would get thrush quite bad from certain medications.
He was on antiobiotics a bit in his first year, not because he was very unwell but just more on the precaution with little colds etc.
Good Luck to you!
Rebekah Mother to Matt 20mthsw/cf and baby on the way wo/cf