We started CPT at one month with confirmed dx... but our doctors have pushed us away from preventative nebulized treatments, like pulmozyne, etc. They said these are not needed until there is more lung damage.
That concerned me that the docs weren't being agressive enough, but someone did post a study on here a few weeks ago that Pulmozyne does not help everyone equally as a preventative measure (at least that's what I think I read.)
It's hard to know what to do and ask for, isn't it?!@! Why put the little ones through something else if they don't "need" it... but how do you know when they "need" something preventative? I want to be an advocate but don't want to consume all of our time with treatments if the research is not conclusive yet. I'm glad you asked the question!
Mom of Maren and Berne 12 mo. old twins with CF