Brent's first time in the hospital


New member
After listening to brent cough for an hour straight and the xopenex treatment not work i decided to take him to the ER sat night.....He has pneomonia and they admitted him...i thought he would get out today but they told hubby that he has an infection and it has gotten into his bloodstream so they are keeping him...I dont think the cipro is working b/c he is still spiking a fever and he has been on it since sat....i am sooo scared...this is our first hosp visit and hopefully our last for a while at least....i feel so bad for everyone that goes thru this!!!!


New member
After listening to brent cough for an hour straight and the xopenex treatment not work i decided to take him to the ER sat night.....He has pneomonia and they admitted him...i thought he would get out today but they told hubby that he has an infection and it has gotten into his bloodstream so they are keeping him...I dont think the cipro is working b/c he is still spiking a fever and he has been on it since sat....i am sooo scared...this is our first hosp visit and hopefully our last for a while at least....i feel so bad for everyone that goes thru this!!!!


New member
After listening to brent cough for an hour straight and the xopenex treatment not work i decided to take him to the ER sat night.....He has pneomonia and they admitted him...i thought he would get out today but they told hubby that he has an infection and it has gotten into his bloodstream so they are keeping him...I dont think the cipro is working b/c he is still spiking a fever and he has been on it since sat....i am sooo scared...this is our first hosp visit and hopefully our last for a while at least....i feel so bad for everyone that goes thru this!!!!


New member
After listening to brent cough for an hour straight and the xopenex treatment not work i decided to take him to the ER sat night.....He has pneomonia and they admitted him...i thought he would get out today but they told hubby that he has an infection and it has gotten into his bloodstream so they are keeping him...I dont think the cipro is working b/c he is still spiking a fever and he has been on it since sat....i am sooo scared...this is our first hosp visit and hopefully our last for a while at least....i feel so bad for everyone that goes thru this!!!!


New member
After listening to brent cough for an hour straight and the xopenex treatment not work i decided to take him to the ER sat night.....He has pneomonia and they admitted him...i thought he would get out today but they told hubby that he has an infection and it has gotten into his bloodstream so they are keeping him...I dont think the cipro is working b/c he is still spiking a fever and he has been on it since sat....i am sooo scared...this is our first hosp visit and hopefully our last for a while at least....i feel so bad for everyone that goes thru this!!!!


Digital opinion leader
Oh poor kid and poor mom! He will probably need to be on ABX for a few weeks to knock the infection out. Its best to be aggressive (although its no fun to be IN). Hope it goes smoothly.

Hugs to you all


Digital opinion leader
Oh poor kid and poor mom! He will probably need to be on ABX for a few weeks to knock the infection out. Its best to be aggressive (although its no fun to be IN). Hope it goes smoothly.

Hugs to you all


Digital opinion leader
Oh poor kid and poor mom! He will probably need to be on ABX for a few weeks to knock the infection out. Its best to be aggressive (although its no fun to be IN). Hope it goes smoothly.

Hugs to you all


Digital opinion leader
Oh poor kid and poor mom! He will probably need to be on ABX for a few weeks to knock the infection out. Its best to be aggressive (although its no fun to be IN). Hope it goes smoothly.

Hugs to you all


Digital opinion leader
Oh poor kid and poor mom! He will probably need to be on ABX for a few weeks to knock the infection out. Its best to be aggressive (although its no fun to be IN). Hope it goes smoothly.
<br />
<br />Hugs to you all


New member
I am sorry to hear that he is in the hospital! I will keep your family in my prayers. It is amazing that this is his first hospital stay. His picture looks like he is older. My son is only 2 and he has been in the hospital once for an infection (only viral but the doc's wanted to be precautionary about it) and he has had 3 bronch's now. He has had 2 PICC lines with IV abx. I hope they find the right meds to get him healthy again.


New member
I am sorry to hear that he is in the hospital! I will keep your family in my prayers. It is amazing that this is his first hospital stay. His picture looks like he is older. My son is only 2 and he has been in the hospital once for an infection (only viral but the doc's wanted to be precautionary about it) and he has had 3 bronch's now. He has had 2 PICC lines with IV abx. I hope they find the right meds to get him healthy again.


New member
I am sorry to hear that he is in the hospital! I will keep your family in my prayers. It is amazing that this is his first hospital stay. His picture looks like he is older. My son is only 2 and he has been in the hospital once for an infection (only viral but the doc's wanted to be precautionary about it) and he has had 3 bronch's now. He has had 2 PICC lines with IV abx. I hope they find the right meds to get him healthy again.


New member
I am sorry to hear that he is in the hospital! I will keep your family in my prayers. It is amazing that this is his first hospital stay. His picture looks like he is older. My son is only 2 and he has been in the hospital once for an infection (only viral but the doc's wanted to be precautionary about it) and he has had 3 bronch's now. He has had 2 PICC lines with IV abx. I hope they find the right meds to get him healthy again.


New member
I am sorry to hear that he is in the hospital! I will keep your family in my prayers. It is amazing that this is his first hospital stay. His picture looks like he is older. My son is only 2 and he has been in the hospital once for an infection (only viral but the doc's wanted to be precautionary about it) and he has had 3 bronch's now. He has had 2 PICC lines with IV abx. I hope they find the right meds to get him healthy again.


Yes its incredibly scary and upsetting, and life shaking. We just got out of the hospital last week and are still doing home IVs. It sucks. I'm so sorry that he's not responding well to the abx, I hope they get him the right mix and he starts to feel better asap. Hang in there. You can do this!!!! (((HUGS))))


Yes its incredibly scary and upsetting, and life shaking. We just got out of the hospital last week and are still doing home IVs. It sucks. I'm so sorry that he's not responding well to the abx, I hope they get him the right mix and he starts to feel better asap. Hang in there. You can do this!!!! (((HUGS))))


Yes its incredibly scary and upsetting, and life shaking. We just got out of the hospital last week and are still doing home IVs. It sucks. I'm so sorry that he's not responding well to the abx, I hope they get him the right mix and he starts to feel better asap. Hang in there. You can do this!!!! (((HUGS))))


Yes its incredibly scary and upsetting, and life shaking. We just got out of the hospital last week and are still doing home IVs. It sucks. I'm so sorry that he's not responding well to the abx, I hope they get him the right mix and he starts to feel better asap. Hang in there. You can do this!!!! (((HUGS))))


Yes its incredibly scary and upsetting, and life shaking. We just got out of the hospital last week and are still doing home IVs. It sucks. I'm so sorry that he's not responding well to the abx, I hope they get him the right mix and he starts to feel better asap. Hang in there. You can do this!!!! (((HUGS))))