

New member
Caleb is scheduled to have a bronch done next week. he has never had one done and im having a panic attack over it. they say its a invasive proceedure but im still in a panic. how long does it take to get the results from it and do kids usually have to stay the night after? Id just like to know what to expect good/or bad

Melissa mom to dylan 7 no cf and caleb 4wcf


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Reece had a bronch Nov.17th 2005! It can take anywhere from 30min-1 1/2hrs. Ours took bout 1 hr. 15min. Reece is 3 so I was nervous bout how he would be leaving me & being in that cold or by hiself. (he is a BIG mommas boy) The anathesiaoligist was great, she camr in & got Reece & to my surprise we went with her no problems. (We had talked to him for bout a week what was gonna happen) With CFers they like to intabate so its easier for them give o2 which is very common. When Reece came out he did cough ALOT & they said that ws not as normal, but they gave him a breathing treatment & it helped a little, by the time he got in his room to stay the night due to his low o2 he was not coughing as much.He stayed 2 nights cuz of low o2 but going in the or his o2 was bout 89-91 anyway. They told me the results when the dr. came out to tell me they were done. I also got to see a video of the procedure & pics. pretty neat. She wanted to treat what she found right away....lower left lobe extremely damaged & both upper lobes mildly damaged. So she told us to come back in the hosptial nov.28th to aggressively treat the staph (MRSA) w/ iv antibotics (vancomyicin) for 1 month. He is doing great now (finally after every 2 wks going to clinic & being in the hospital 3x this year.) Hope all this helped out....He will be fine but its normal to worry bout our babies, I think I would be more concearned if you didnt ask!! They do this what I kept saying to myself. (even though we dont have too, I know its still hard) Let us know how it goes, I will be thinking about ya'll, & keep you in my prayers!!!
Leah~mommy 2 Reece w/ cf 3 yrs old<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


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I can never to remember to log on....that wad me above!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> Leah


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Sami has had three bronchs, all without major problems. After the first, she did need some oxygen for about an hour. The second was without incident. The third actually did wonders for her, whatever they flushed out really helped clear up her breathing issues.

I still do not like that she has had these invasive procedures, but in her case, they were necessary. She was having a lot of respiratory problems and not responding to orals or asthma meds.

Like Leah stated, the procedure is pretty fast. The doctor will come and give you results of what he/she saw right after the procedure. The cultures may take a few days (like a typical throat culture). Although, they usually can tell you if a gram-negative bacteria is growing by the next day (i.e. pseudomonas). In Sami's case, the last bronch revealed fat laden cells which shows that she was refluxing and aspirating into her lungs.

Good Luck - everything will go well!

Maria (mom to Sami 2 1/2 w/cf)


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My 4 yr old daughter just had two bronchs in the last couple of months for the first time. It wasn't that bad. I have to disagree with the first poster though b/c both of Allie's only took about 20 mins. When she woke up from the first one she coughed a lot so her throat was a little sore the rest of the day. The second time I told them about her coughing so much with the first one so they gave her a breathing treatment(albuterol) before she woke up and she did great. No coughing and no sore throat and she was fine the rest of the day. Both times she usually went home about an hour after the procedure. The thing that bothered her the most was waking up with an iv in her hand.

The results are back in 4-6 days. Good luck. I was panicked too when she first went but it really wasn't as bad as I expected. Let me know if you have any more questions. It's really a good way to see what's really going on in their lungs.

Take care, Amy
mom to Allie 4 w/CF and Betsy 18 months/no CF


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Reeces dr did say it did take a little longer due to the volume of mucus he had. She had to keep taking out the probe to clean it off for the camera. She did NOT "suck " out ant junk though. Her theory was it will just come back in a couple of weeks (whats the point) Our thinking was a couple of weeks w/ LESS junk is good. Anyways when Reece had to get a central line put in they used a smaller tube down his throat & he did fine coming coughing etc.
Leah~mommy 2 Reece<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


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I had a bronch done 2 years ago February, and mine took about an hour. MY results came back pretty quickly too, the doctor at the time said he could find any bleeding (which was why I was getting the bronch), and the rest of my results came back within days. The doctor said it was a fairly quick and easy procedure, but I remember nothing about it. Apparently I was awake and cracking jokes to my doctor, but they had me hopped up on morphine and some sort of drug that sort of cuts off brain activity, so that its like you get amnesia and don't remember the procedure, but you are coherant during the whole procedure.