Bronchoscopy follow up.


New member
We went to see Dr. Knoper at UMC last Thrurs. for the follow up to the broncoscopy I had 2 weeks ago.
I got as close to a clean bill of health as I'm ever going to get I guess. :)
Dr. Knoper said that from listeining to & observing me, it appears the dilation was somewhat successful. I don't have nearly as much wheezing in the left bronchus as I had.
He said the airway will probably once again close up; we just don't know when. I asked about stents & was told they are completely out of the question.
I tend to grow 'granular' scar tissue in the airways very quickly and putting stents in just makes the growth go into overdrive.
The plan of attack is, one month of Tobi followed by one month of 'Colistin'. (phonetic spelling, no doubt its wrong)
I'm pretty disappointed to have to start packing around an SVN machine everywhere I go. I thought that crap was over as soon as I had the transplant. It was supposed to be anyway.
My transplant did not go nearly as well as we wanted.
Oh well, I guess I should just be grateful to be alive & able to do as much as I can.
I can get on my ATV & explore the back-country of AZ still. I can still get in my truck & go just about anywhere I care to go at just about anytime.
I'm going to excercise that right again in January when I go back to Idaho for another month-and-a-half.
Yea, I have plenty to be grateful for.
Thank you Lord....:cool: