bungii jump anyone?


New member
ok, anytime isay this to any of my relatives or friends they laugh in my face, i've always wanted to bungii jump, always!! Problem is not my lungs though it's my liver i've got scorosis (can't spell that but ya get me!) of the liver and spleen and have been told i'll need a liver transplant in the future, but i really wanna bungii even if i have to wait til after what you guys think possible or impossible? xx


don't have an idea either way if it's possible/impossible. Scary though, that's why I wouldn't... but tha'ts just me.


New member
I'd be more concerned with your bone density. I went in a fighter jet, and the biggest risks were my bones and the change of pressure in the lungs. I also have cerosis. I have had a splenectimy (sp?). If you have hyptertension, the veins in your throat may be a problem.

If your bones arn't a concern, I think you'd be fine though.

I'm not a doctor though =)


New member
OHHH! yes I know!! I have always wanted to do that too!!!! I actually have had a liver transplant...because my liver was the same way. So yeah hey I would go for it! But maybe wait until after your liver transplant. But yeah anyway bungee jumping is on my list of things to do before I die~ Anyway hope it works out for you~