burning feeling


New member
anyone ever get a burning feeling feels like its in the bottom of your lungs? cant really describe it but its so uncomfortable,


New member
im just out of hospital a week i had an infection,, i felt fine when i got out, but the last few days i've been getting this burning feeling. and finding it impossible to get out of bed. im taking ciproxin since i've got out of hospital so i shouldnt have an infection


New member
Jo, just because you are taking antibiotics doesn't mean the infection can't reappear. If you have been using cipro for a while there is always a chance that your body will develop a resistance to it. I would see your doctor. Also, acid reflux is a common thing with CFers, but you said the pain was in your lungs so I don't know-thought it was worth mentioning.



New member
thanks i think it could be acid reflux.. i've just been bringing up blood too so i probably have an infection too.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> as if i dont have enough problems cf/diabetes/osteopenia/and now acid reflux im starting to get annoyed with my body <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
i know Jo its very stressful sometimes but just hang tough ok. But if it doesn't clear up please go get checked at the hospital <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
im still learning about it. its thining of the bones, my spine is weak so i have to take calcium tablets. sorry im not much help the doctors werent brillant at explaining it to me.