C-section questions


New member
My son will be 1 next month, so I hope my memory is corect on all this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I had not planned a c-section, but he presented "brow first" and after waiting in labor for 17 hours for him to turn ( unsucessfully) I finally gave up and had the c-section. My story is probably not typical, but honestly it was not that bad.

1) how was pain managment after surgery? Ok, I only took ibuprofen after the first 24 hours, as I have had bad responses to stronger stuff. The biggest issue for me was nausea afterward, I was so hungry and they let me eat too much. after a shot of reglan I was fine. The worst part was not the incision pain but the cramps a few days later ( similar to bad period cramps)
2) Were you able to do cpt? vest? nebs? I don't use a vest, but did use my nebs during and after labor
3) How soon before you could walk/hold baby? I held him as soon as they sewed me up, my husband held him while they did that. He passed the muconium during labor and had to be checked out by the pediatrician immediatley after birth, but oncwe they did that, he was with us.
4) Did you get an epidural or spinal? epidural, since I had not planned on the c-section
5) Any advice you would give to someone in my shoes? don't worry! stress makes it worse, really you will be so excited to see the baby, it is amazing how much pain is not a factor
6) Did it hurt to cough? yes but pressing on the incission helped a lot ( during cough)
7) What kind of stiches did they use disolvable? clips? staples, they took them out right before I left, amazing things
8) Were you afraid of coughing while lying on your back in surgery? yes, I kept asking them if they would suction my mouth out if I coughed stuff up, they said yes but didn't need to. the weirdest part of the whole thing was feeling like I wanted to cough but not doing it, since I could really feel my diaphragm
I felt suffocated by the oxygen mask, once they switched to a nasal canula- no issues


New member
My son will be 1 next month, so I hope my memory is corect on all this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I had not planned a c-section, but he presented "brow first" and after waiting in labor for 17 hours for him to turn ( unsucessfully) I finally gave up and had the c-section. My story is probably not typical, but honestly it was not that bad.

1) how was pain managment after surgery? Ok, I only took ibuprofen after the first 24 hours, as I have had bad responses to stronger stuff. The biggest issue for me was nausea afterward, I was so hungry and they let me eat too much. after a shot of reglan I was fine. The worst part was not the incision pain but the cramps a few days later ( similar to bad period cramps)
2) Were you able to do cpt? vest? nebs? I don't use a vest, but did use my nebs during and after labor
3) How soon before you could walk/hold baby? I held him as soon as they sewed me up, my husband held him while they did that. He passed the muconium during labor and had to be checked out by the pediatrician immediatley after birth, but oncwe they did that, he was with us.
4) Did you get an epidural or spinal? epidural, since I had not planned on the c-section
5) Any advice you would give to someone in my shoes? don't worry! stress makes it worse, really you will be so excited to see the baby, it is amazing how much pain is not a factor
6) Did it hurt to cough? yes but pressing on the incission helped a lot ( during cough)
7) What kind of stiches did they use disolvable? clips? staples, they took them out right before I left, amazing things
8) Were you afraid of coughing while lying on your back in surgery? yes, I kept asking them if they would suction my mouth out if I coughed stuff up, they said yes but didn't need to. the weirdest part of the whole thing was feeling like I wanted to cough but not doing it, since I could really feel my diaphragm
I felt suffocated by the oxygen mask, once they switched to a nasal canula- no issues


New member
My son will be 1 next month, so I hope my memory is corect on all this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I had not planned a c-section, but he presented "brow first" and after waiting in labor for 17 hours for him to turn ( unsucessfully) I finally gave up and had the c-section. My story is probably not typical, but honestly it was not that bad.

1) how was pain managment after surgery? Ok, I only took ibuprofen after the first 24 hours, as I have had bad responses to stronger stuff. The biggest issue for me was nausea afterward, I was so hungry and they let me eat too much. after a shot of reglan I was fine. The worst part was not the incision pain but the cramps a few days later ( similar to bad period cramps)
2) Were you able to do cpt? vest? nebs? I don't use a vest, but did use my nebs during and after labor
3) How soon before you could walk/hold baby? I held him as soon as they sewed me up, my husband held him while they did that. He passed the muconium during labor and had to be checked out by the pediatrician immediatley after birth, but oncwe they did that, he was with us.
4) Did you get an epidural or spinal? epidural, since I had not planned on the c-section
5) Any advice you would give to someone in my shoes? don't worry! stress makes it worse, really you will be so excited to see the baby, it is amazing how much pain is not a factor
6) Did it hurt to cough? yes but pressing on the incission helped a lot ( during cough)
7) What kind of stiches did they use disolvable? clips? staples, they took them out right before I left, amazing things
8) Were you afraid of coughing while lying on your back in surgery? yes, I kept asking them if they would suction my mouth out if I coughed stuff up, they said yes but didn't need to. the weirdest part of the whole thing was feeling like I wanted to cough but not doing it, since I could really feel my diaphragm
I felt suffocated by the oxygen mask, once they switched to a nasal canula- no issues


New member
My son will be 1 next month, so I hope my memory is corect on all this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I had not planned a c-section, but he presented "brow first" and after waiting in labor for 17 hours for him to turn ( unsucessfully) I finally gave up and had the c-section. My story is probably not typical, but honestly it was not that bad.

1) how was pain managment after surgery? Ok, I only took ibuprofen after the first 24 hours, as I have had bad responses to stronger stuff. The biggest issue for me was nausea afterward, I was so hungry and they let me eat too much. after a shot of reglan I was fine. The worst part was not the incision pain but the cramps a few days later ( similar to bad period cramps)
2) Were you able to do cpt? vest? nebs? I don't use a vest, but did use my nebs during and after labor
3) How soon before you could walk/hold baby? I held him as soon as they sewed me up, my husband held him while they did that. He passed the muconium during labor and had to be checked out by the pediatrician immediatley after birth, but oncwe they did that, he was with us.
4) Did you get an epidural or spinal? epidural, since I had not planned on the c-section
5) Any advice you would give to someone in my shoes? don't worry! stress makes it worse, really you will be so excited to see the baby, it is amazing how much pain is not a factor
6) Did it hurt to cough? yes but pressing on the incission helped a lot ( during cough)
7) What kind of stiches did they use disolvable? clips? staples, they took them out right before I left, amazing things
8) Were you afraid of coughing while lying on your back in surgery? yes, I kept asking them if they would suction my mouth out if I coughed stuff up, they said yes but didn't need to. the weirdest part of the whole thing was feeling like I wanted to cough but not doing it, since I could really feel my diaphragm
I felt suffocated by the oxygen mask, once they switched to a nasal canula- no issues


New member
My son will be 1 next month, so I hope my memory is corect on all this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I had not planned a c-section, but he presented "brow first" and after waiting in labor for 17 hours for him to turn ( unsucessfully) I finally gave up and had the c-section. My story is probably not typical, but honestly it was not that bad.

1) how was pain managment after surgery? Ok, I only took ibuprofen after the first 24 hours, as I have had bad responses to stronger stuff. The biggest issue for me was nausea afterward, I was so hungry and they let me eat too much. after a shot of reglan I was fine. The worst part was not the incision pain but the cramps a few days later ( similar to bad period cramps)
2) Were you able to do cpt? vest? nebs? I don't use a vest, but did use my nebs during and after labor
3) How soon before you could walk/hold baby? I held him as soon as they sewed me up, my husband held him while they did that. He passed the muconium during labor and had to be checked out by the pediatrician immediatley after birth, but oncwe they did that, he was with us.
4) Did you get an epidural or spinal? epidural, since I had not planned on the c-section
5) Any advice you would give to someone in my shoes? don't worry! stress makes it worse, really you will be so excited to see the baby, it is amazing how much pain is not a factor
6) Did it hurt to cough? yes but pressing on the incission helped a lot ( during cough)
7) What kind of stiches did they use disolvable? clips? staples, they took them out right before I left, amazing things
8) Were you afraid of coughing while lying on your back in surgery? yes, I kept asking them if they would suction my mouth out if I coughed stuff up, they said yes but didn't need to. the weirdest part of the whole thing was feeling like I wanted to cough but not doing it, since I could really feel my diaphragm
I felt suffocated by the oxygen mask, once they switched to a nasal canula- no issues


New member
1. Pain management was good. I had percocet and ibprophin.
2. I was able to do CPT, and they said I could do my vest if I felt ok doing it, and I could still do my nebs.
3. I held him in the recovery room about 30 mins after the surgery was over.
4. I got a spinal.
5. Just take your time and don't be in a hurry to do anything and the nurses are there in case you need them.
6. It hurt to cough for the first couple of days.
7. Well for me they used staples. They hurt a little more than stitches (I have heard) but I would rather have them insted of stitches cause me I am a worry wort and I was afarid that coughing would pop some stitches even though all the nurses told me it wouldn't. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Also, when you get the staples out it hurts too but hey it is all worth it!
8. I was afarid I was going to cough while on the table cause every time I lay flat I always cough and I was starting to catch a little cold so I was coughing more but to my surprise I never coughed once while I was on the table and it was after they gave me the spinal and then I didn't cough till the spinal started to wear off.

Well I hope that helps a little and good luck with everything!

21 f w/cf and mother to a 2 week old baby boy!


New member
1. Pain management was good. I had percocet and ibprophin.
2. I was able to do CPT, and they said I could do my vest if I felt ok doing it, and I could still do my nebs.
3. I held him in the recovery room about 30 mins after the surgery was over.
4. I got a spinal.
5. Just take your time and don't be in a hurry to do anything and the nurses are there in case you need them.
6. It hurt to cough for the first couple of days.
7. Well for me they used staples. They hurt a little more than stitches (I have heard) but I would rather have them insted of stitches cause me I am a worry wort and I was afarid that coughing would pop some stitches even though all the nurses told me it wouldn't. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Also, when you get the staples out it hurts too but hey it is all worth it!
8. I was afarid I was going to cough while on the table cause every time I lay flat I always cough and I was starting to catch a little cold so I was coughing more but to my surprise I never coughed once while I was on the table and it was after they gave me the spinal and then I didn't cough till the spinal started to wear off.

Well I hope that helps a little and good luck with everything!

21 f w/cf and mother to a 2 week old baby boy!


New member
1. Pain management was good. I had percocet and ibprophin.
2. I was able to do CPT, and they said I could do my vest if I felt ok doing it, and I could still do my nebs.
3. I held him in the recovery room about 30 mins after the surgery was over.
4. I got a spinal.
5. Just take your time and don't be in a hurry to do anything and the nurses are there in case you need them.
6. It hurt to cough for the first couple of days.
7. Well for me they used staples. They hurt a little more than stitches (I have heard) but I would rather have them insted of stitches cause me I am a worry wort and I was afarid that coughing would pop some stitches even though all the nurses told me it wouldn't. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Also, when you get the staples out it hurts too but hey it is all worth it!
8. I was afarid I was going to cough while on the table cause every time I lay flat I always cough and I was starting to catch a little cold so I was coughing more but to my surprise I never coughed once while I was on the table and it was after they gave me the spinal and then I didn't cough till the spinal started to wear off.

Well I hope that helps a little and good luck with everything!

21 f w/cf and mother to a 2 week old baby boy!


New member
1. Pain management was good. I had percocet and ibprophin.
2. I was able to do CPT, and they said I could do my vest if I felt ok doing it, and I could still do my nebs.
3. I held him in the recovery room about 30 mins after the surgery was over.
4. I got a spinal.
5. Just take your time and don't be in a hurry to do anything and the nurses are there in case you need them.
6. It hurt to cough for the first couple of days.
7. Well for me they used staples. They hurt a little more than stitches (I have heard) but I would rather have them insted of stitches cause me I am a worry wort and I was afarid that coughing would pop some stitches even though all the nurses told me it wouldn't. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Also, when you get the staples out it hurts too but hey it is all worth it!
8. I was afarid I was going to cough while on the table cause every time I lay flat I always cough and I was starting to catch a little cold so I was coughing more but to my surprise I never coughed once while I was on the table and it was after they gave me the spinal and then I didn't cough till the spinal started to wear off.

Well I hope that helps a little and good luck with everything!

21 f w/cf and mother to a 2 week old baby boy!


New member
1. Pain management was good. I had percocet and ibprophin.
2. I was able to do CPT, and they said I could do my vest if I felt ok doing it, and I could still do my nebs.
3. I held him in the recovery room about 30 mins after the surgery was over.
4. I got a spinal.
5. Just take your time and don't be in a hurry to do anything and the nurses are there in case you need them.
6. It hurt to cough for the first couple of days.
7. Well for me they used staples. They hurt a little more than stitches (I have heard) but I would rather have them insted of stitches cause me I am a worry wort and I was afarid that coughing would pop some stitches even though all the nurses told me it wouldn't. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Also, when you get the staples out it hurts too but hey it is all worth it!
8. I was afarid I was going to cough while on the table cause every time I lay flat I always cough and I was starting to catch a little cold so I was coughing more but to my surprise I never coughed once while I was on the table and it was after they gave me the spinal and then I didn't cough till the spinal started to wear off.

Well I hope that helps a little and good luck with everything!

21 f w/cf and mother to a 2 week old baby boy!


New member
Hijacking here....
Anyone reading this that wants to avoid unnecessary c-sections. (Note: I realize in the cases mentioned here they are necessary)

If you experience hemoptysis - play it up to all the medical people you come in contact with. Write about it in your birth plan and discuss your concern regarding it at all your later OB appts. For me the fear of me bleeding from my lungs made them exhaust every option before giving me a c-section. Mother nature only needed time and I delivered vaginally 36 hours after my water broke...a taboo number of hours as far as hospitals go. Remember for high risk groups it's all about mitigating risk to reduce malpractice cases. Especially in PA with highest medical malpractice rate. Spewing blood is scary to people even though it might be (practically) second nature for us. This is not the time to play it down and make light of it. Do explain your plan to your loved ones though. Unfortunately saying it will be more difficult for you to recover is not as great of an excuse because at that point the baby has been delivered safely and it's 99.9% your problem to recover. Am I sinical? Yes.


New member
Hijacking here....
Anyone reading this that wants to avoid unnecessary c-sections. (Note: I realize in the cases mentioned here they are necessary)

If you experience hemoptysis - play it up to all the medical people you come in contact with. Write about it in your birth plan and discuss your concern regarding it at all your later OB appts. For me the fear of me bleeding from my lungs made them exhaust every option before giving me a c-section. Mother nature only needed time and I delivered vaginally 36 hours after my water broke...a taboo number of hours as far as hospitals go. Remember for high risk groups it's all about mitigating risk to reduce malpractice cases. Especially in PA with highest medical malpractice rate. Spewing blood is scary to people even though it might be (practically) second nature for us. This is not the time to play it down and make light of it. Do explain your plan to your loved ones though. Unfortunately saying it will be more difficult for you to recover is not as great of an excuse because at that point the baby has been delivered safely and it's 99.9% your problem to recover. Am I sinical? Yes.


New member
Hijacking here....
Anyone reading this that wants to avoid unnecessary c-sections. (Note: I realize in the cases mentioned here they are necessary)

If you experience hemoptysis - play it up to all the medical people you come in contact with. Write about it in your birth plan and discuss your concern regarding it at all your later OB appts. For me the fear of me bleeding from my lungs made them exhaust every option before giving me a c-section. Mother nature only needed time and I delivered vaginally 36 hours after my water broke...a taboo number of hours as far as hospitals go. Remember for high risk groups it's all about mitigating risk to reduce malpractice cases. Especially in PA with highest medical malpractice rate. Spewing blood is scary to people even though it might be (practically) second nature for us. This is not the time to play it down and make light of it. Do explain your plan to your loved ones though. Unfortunately saying it will be more difficult for you to recover is not as great of an excuse because at that point the baby has been delivered safely and it's 99.9% your problem to recover. Am I sinical? Yes.


New member
Hijacking here....
Anyone reading this that wants to avoid unnecessary c-sections. (Note: I realize in the cases mentioned here they are necessary)

If you experience hemoptysis - play it up to all the medical people you come in contact with. Write about it in your birth plan and discuss your concern regarding it at all your later OB appts. For me the fear of me bleeding from my lungs made them exhaust every option before giving me a c-section. Mother nature only needed time and I delivered vaginally 36 hours after my water broke...a taboo number of hours as far as hospitals go. Remember for high risk groups it's all about mitigating risk to reduce malpractice cases. Especially in PA with highest medical malpractice rate. Spewing blood is scary to people even though it might be (practically) second nature for us. This is not the time to play it down and make light of it. Do explain your plan to your loved ones though. Unfortunately saying it will be more difficult for you to recover is not as great of an excuse because at that point the baby has been delivered safely and it's 99.9% your problem to recover. Am I sinical? Yes.


New member
Hijacking here....
Anyone reading this that wants to avoid unnecessary c-sections. (Note: I realize in the cases mentioned here they are necessary)

If you experience hemoptysis - play it up to all the medical people you come in contact with. Write about it in your birth plan and discuss your concern regarding it at all your later OB appts. For me the fear of me bleeding from my lungs made them exhaust every option before giving me a c-section. Mother nature only needed time and I delivered vaginally 36 hours after my water broke...a taboo number of hours as far as hospitals go. Remember for high risk groups it's all about mitigating risk to reduce malpractice cases. Especially in PA with highest medical malpractice rate. Spewing blood is scary to people even though it might be (practically) second nature for us. This is not the time to play it down and make light of it. Do explain your plan to your loved ones though. Unfortunately saying it will be more difficult for you to recover is not as great of an excuse because at that point the baby has been delivered safely and it's 99.9% your problem to recover. Am I sinical? Yes.


New member
Thank you all so very much for all your replies. You have made me feel very good about c-sections and less afraid. I did see your video Julie and it scared me so much that you felt the pain. Would you give me advice as to how I can avoid that? Julie, were you able to hold the babies the same day or no?



New member
Thank you all so very much for all your replies. You have made me feel very good about c-sections and less afraid. I did see your video Julie and it scared me so much that you felt the pain. Would you give me advice as to how I can avoid that? Julie, were you able to hold the babies the same day or no?



New member
Thank you all so very much for all your replies. You have made me feel very good about c-sections and less afraid. I did see your video Julie and it scared me so much that you felt the pain. Would you give me advice as to how I can avoid that? Julie, were you able to hold the babies the same day or no?



New member
Thank you all so very much for all your replies. You have made me feel very good about c-sections and less afraid. I did see your video Julie and it scared me so much that you felt the pain. Would you give me advice as to how I can avoid that? Julie, were you able to hold the babies the same day or no?



New member
Thank you all so very much for all your replies. You have made me feel very good about c-sections and less afraid. I did see your video Julie and it scared me so much that you felt the pain. Would you give me advice as to how I can avoid that? Julie, were you able to hold the babies the same day or no?
