Can a CF'er have a pet dog??


New member
I have a question...Im looking into buying a dog and I was wondering if any CF'ers have dogs or any dogs that shed and if so if the shedding or the dog affects lung percentage? Obviously I will be checking this out with my doctor because everyone reacts differently but my lungs are kinda on the low side so Im not really interested in taking any chances making my lungs if someone could give me some advice on this topic i'd greatly appreciate it.
Ashley 21 F w/cf


New member
I've had a dog all my life until I came to college a little over 2 years ago. I actually want to get one for my apartment here once I can afford it. I never seemed to have any problems with having a dog around, despite the fact that he did shed in the summers, it never really bothered me. Like you said, everyone reacts to things differently so it is a good idea to contact your doctor. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



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Ashley, there's a smiliar post a few down... in case you don't ge many responses, I think what people posted there might answer your questions.


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I currently have 3 dogs and 2 cats... I've not noticed any difference when coming home after hospital stays. You might like to get your allergies tested before you commit to a pet that you may wind up giving up. If your allergies are not an issue, then I highly recommend a four legged companion, so long as you're well enough to take care of it. Good Luck!


New member
I have had cats & dogs all my life. I honestly wouldnt know how much of my "flareups" are from them & I dont want to know because they are part of my family. For me any cons arent outweighed by the pros. I have had long hair & short hair of both. The only real problem I had with the long hair was keeping it from getting matted. Other then that all my animals seem to shed about the same amount so it didnt really matter. I also have had hamsters, birds, fish & miscellaneous over the years. My doctor would prefer I not have my animals, but it isnt happening!


New member
I have always reacted better to dogs that are hair instead of fur, even though technically it is the "dander" that you are allergic to if anything. that is why when i got a dog i got a little yorkshire terrier...that and the fact that i LOVE small small animals and wanted a yorkie. anyway, he has hair and not fur so he does not shed and is perfect for my apartment. also he does not require a great deal of exercise or care so it makes it easy when i am not feeling at my best to take care of him, but that is just a personal thing.



New member
I have a Chessie and he does shed, but it doesn't affect my health at all. I've had him for two years and had his uncle for 1 1/2 years before that (he sadly died at age 1 1/2 of leukemia). I love dogs! And actually, they could probably help, by giving you exercise when you walk them and stuff. And I read somewhere that dogs relieve stress.

Again, I love dogs!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">



New member
I second the advice to get allergy tested first. Cats (and to a lesser extent, dogs) bother my asthma (I'm not a CFer), and Jeremy says he feels worse after spending time with cats. If you aren't allergic - I'd say go for it. I know Jeremy really enjoyed having a dog when he was younger - he used to go running with the dog every day and that's always a good thing.

-Michelle (Engaged! to Jeremy 28/cf)


New member
Like Julie said check out the post titled "pets". I think the only real issue would be if you have allergies to a dog. Most allergies do come from their dander. I know for cats, not sure on dogs, but most people are allergic to the dander cats have that is created by their saliva, from licking themselves all the time. Might be the same for dogs too. I have a mini short hair dachshund. I keep him bathed mainly because he gets to smelling when he goes outside and gets hot. He gets a bath more often when its shedding time. He doesnt shed often except when the weather changes from winter to summer. He sheds alot, I mean you could make a dog coat...ok not really but he still sheds. Its just hair, we shed too not only hair but dead skin (which makes up most of the dust in a persons house). My doctor was excited when we got a dog. I have had dogs all my life, and cats and other animals (i lived on a farm for part of my life) but when I moved I had no pet at all. So my doctor was happy I got a dog later. He thinks its great and always asks if i am walking my dog. I say if you have no dog allergies, the doctor doesnt mind get yourself a dog. Just give him/her a bath at least once a month, if its strictly an outside dog it doesnt matter. If you have to clean up their bathroom "messes" be sure to wash your hands after words, common sense stuff. Dont let them lick your face no matter how cute they are. It shouldnt be a problem. I think it would be great only because I love my doggy. I have never been a dog fan but since I got my dachy i just love them to pieces (i used to be scared of dogs except the ones i had). sorry for blabbing away


New member
I have always wanted a dog and now my mom says we can get one. I think we will get a yorkshire terrier. They are so cute! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Are you kidding me? I grew up riding horses, and playing with dogs... some doctors are just crazy... Now I can understand if you have bad alergies you might want to beware, but heck ya you can have pets... I've had everything from rodents (hamsters and ferrets) cats, dogs, and horses


New member
Hi i'm 29 with cf and keep fairley well I,ve had a dog since I was 9 and now have a cat and a dog and to be honest they don't do me any harm, infact they make me feel better when i'm feeling rubbish they seem to know and want to be around me. you could always have an allergy test done at the hospital to make sure you will be ok round pets. So I say go for it .
Good Luck


Before coming to Japan, my family always had a dog. I never thought that was a problem (But because the house was so dusty, that WAS a problem!)
Recently, when I was being tested for allergies, it showed up positive for allergies caused by cat hair, but not for dogs. It was among trees, etc., common items so it was by chance I found out dogs were ok. I was glad because I'd like to get one in the future.


New member
i have three cats and a bunny and have always had cats and don't have too many problems except occasional allergies. my boyfriend just got a golden retriever and i am fine around him. i don't know about you, but my life would not be nearly as enjoyable without my pets...

laura, 26