can anyone help me?


New member
How often can a Patient with a mild case of CF live well over there 40's and 50's.

I couldnt imagin waking up without Casey next to me. Its the worst thing i can think of. He tries not to worry me. But i want to know.
he told me his Dr. said his life expectency is around 40. but he seems soo healthy. I have him take his medicine everyday.

What other things are there for him to help improve his health?

If anyone could help inform me, id be sooo greatful.


New member
Gee Crystal, I'm over 40, can't say The Doctors have told me I'm living on borrowed time! I think exercise and a great sense of humour has been the key to my longevity... Go with the fact he appears healthy and if he says don't worry-don't.
Plenty of great sex is essential for the CF 'er, and of course don't forget the meds, when needed...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm an almost 49 years old male and was diagnosed with CF from birth. I, too, had a mild case throughout my teens and 20's, just taking enzymes for digestion. I have more respiratory problems now, use a nebulizer twice daily, but am still able to work, and travel (I have been all over the world.) My advice to Casey is take your meds, don't drink, smoke or do illegal drugs, and exercise regularly. Make sure he has checkups periodically, and not to get too overtired. Casey and you should spend a quality life together! "Life expectancy" is advancing all the time, and at his age, hopefully new developments will come up on the horizon. Good luck!


New member
Johnna Marie -- LOL!

Crystal, my mom had a cousin who made it to his forties looong ago, and grew up with much less of the treatments and advancements that we have today. I think of him often...hope this helps!

I am glad you are such an avid part of helping Dom take his meds...I appreciate the extra push my fiance gives me, even though I have always been very compliant to everything I have to do.


New member
Being a widow of a CFer, I don't think the number of years a person lives is as important as how they live there life. None of us know how long we are going to be around, therefore we should live life to the fullest. We were married only five years, but they were fantastic years for both of us. Some people are married 25 + years and they are miserable. Of course I would have wanted more time, but I have no control over that. My husband and I however did have control over how we looked at life and how we lived it. Even at the end, we found many times throughout the day to laugh with each other. Best of luck to both of you !