Can CF person have typhoid?????


New member
hi evryone i am new here i need to have friends with CF to share with them my experience.
i need to know if the CF person can contract typhoid fever cause my doctor told me i have it and i am not sure of that i saw on the internet that CF gene protect against typhoid ,hope that someone will help me and hope to have new friends
by the way i am 26 years old/female/CF


New member
Typhoid is a bacteria infection caused most often by exposure to samenilla. There is a vaccination abailable & it is more known in third world countries where sanitary conditions are not very good. There is no connection to CF nor is the CF gene a "protection" in any way.


New member
a cf CARRIER can be immune to malaria...i think thats the right disease. i know where she got the idea about being protected....but its carriers that are protected from malaria not typhoid....a cf person just gets whatever comes to them


New member
Malaria? That is deadly. How can anyone be protected? What exactly, or how does it protect them? Do you know, or do you know of a link we can check out?


straight from wikipedia...

'The ?F508 mutation is estimated to be up to 52,000 years old. Numerous hypotheses have been put forward as to why this recessive lethal mutation has persisted and spread in the human population. With the discovery that cholera toxin requires CFTR to function properly, it was hypothesized that carriers for cystic fibrosis benefited from resistance to cholera and other diarrhoeas (Gabriel 1994). Results of in vivo studies in mice and humans have not confirmed this hypothesis (Cuthbert 1995, Hogenauer 2000). Intact CFTR has also been found to be essential for the entry of Salmonella typhi into cells (Pier 1998), suggesting that carriers for cystic fibrosis might be resistant to typhoid fever. No in vivo study has yet confirmed this. In both cases, the low level of cystic fibrosis outside of Europe, in places where both cholera and typhoid fever are endemic, is not immediately explicable.'


New member
yeah i was always under the impression that it was cholera...but as Candice's excerpt shows there is not proof!


New member
I've always thouht it was cholera.

The way cholera kills is by giving you horrible diareahh (spelling) and thus death by dehydration. But something about the way the CFTR messes with chloride transport in and out of cells, this really bad dehydration can't happen.

This is just speculation.
But think about this. CF is mainly afflicts those of northern european decent...where they had a lot of problems with cholera.