Can somebody help me


New member

I am 20years old girl from Lithuania, at the moment living in the UK. I have CF.At the moment my condition went so bad, I can't stand. Maybe someone who lives in the London, knows where could I go to get some medicine or treatment, the biggest promblem I don't have national insurance number.I would like to receive an answear if you know something, because every day is getting worse. Thank you.


New member
i can't really help, but I hope someone does soon. Just wanted you to know I'm pulling for you. =-) Take care and keep us posted.

22 w/cf


New member
hi there

the main centre for CF care in london is the royal brompton hospital, sydney street, south kensington. i am not sure what the requirements are in regard to national insurance etc. hope that helps.


New member
Well, i dont know about the whole insurance deal in other countries but, my docs (in my opinion) are the best...if they knew what you were going through, im sure they could help in some way or another. You could call my cf center in ohio at (419) 291-2207...Noone, especially you should have to suffer...Im getting choked up...Please try and call that number...Maybe, they could be of some assistance to you. I hope you feel better...My mom and I will pray for you.


New member

Thank you all for the information. But really I think miracle happened someone prayed for me(including my mom), this morning I felt much better, don't know why but I am so happy, I have more energy. I am so thankful really thank you!!!!Because I think everyone who has CF is so tired and sometimes you even don't want to live.

Thank you.
P.S. I would like to know someone with CF to share information or just to be friends.


New member
Even though you feel better, it's still a good idea to get that information, in case you get sick again. You probably already knew that, though. =-) And there are lots of people here to be friends, just click on someone with a profile, and it'll give you their e-mail address... I think.... Anyway, if you want to, mine is =-) Take care.

22 w/cf


New member
If you are in the UK, try this site it is much like this site but obviously English and I think connected to what we have here as the CFFoundation. I am a member there and they all seem to be very helpful. I'm sure they could help steer you in the right direction.

(mom of 2girls w/CF)