can someone tell my 9 year old that the port is good! (she needs one in)


New member
hi, my 9 year old daughter "Chloe" has cf, shes not doing too well at the minute, she cant put weight on and her lungs are bad, shes on IV`s every 3 months, but latley its getting harder and harder to get a line in her arm, they tried 12 times last week and its really upseting us all.
the nurse has said the best thing for her is to have a port, and after my research i agree, it will be a lot easier for her when she needs her ivs, but chloes really against it, she said shes scared about the op, and about having a needle pushed into her chest when she needs IVs but ive told her she wouldnt feel it and its a lot better than having a iv in her arm!
i would appriciate it if there are any young people who can tell my daughter how good it is and that she has nothing to worry about! if any of you reply i will let her read it, thanks everyone,
nikki and steve.


New member
Im 17 and had a port put in when I was 9. Like Chloe iv's just became too hard on my skinny veins. Looking back I can honestly say that having the port is the BEST thing Ive ever done for myself.
The thing about having it in your chest is they don't need to find a vein to put the iv's in2 anymore. I can also say it is PAINLESS having it in and putting needles in. When they first accsessed my port I was scared and was crying. The nurse said "ok im puting the needle in now" and I cried even more. However they told me that they had actually put in the needle in about 2minutes beforehand! It just proves that you really can't feel it.If you've any more questions. . .

Rosie<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Sorry the last post was by me!
Rosie<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I had a terrible time with PICC lines. I got my port placed 3 years ago. I know I'm not 9, but I love the thing. It has so much more freedom attached to it. If you or her learn how to access it yourselves, she can take it out in the middle of a two-week IV session to take a shower inbetween doses, or go swimming. It's positively lovely. Really, in truth, I adore my port. And there's so little skin on top of the port itself, (not to mention the needles they use are really thin) that it really hurts way less than getting a regular IV. If you want to email me or IM and ask more about it in detail (or if Chloe does), feel free. I'd love to answer questions about it. The port is the best damn thing regarding IV therapy.


New member
Okay I don't mean literally during an infusion.... but inbetween doses. You're supposed to change the needle every 7 days at least anyway. SO usually when I change it, I just take it our for a few hours. I take a shower, get nice and clean, and then when it's time for another dose, I just hook it up with a new needle. You're not allowed to do that???