Jack's pfts went down in Sept after being sick and slowly came up to almost normal after six weeks of oral antibiotics. Then he got sinus surgery at the end of Nov and his cough came back. His pfts were lower again right before Christmas so his doctor and I agreed we could try IV's over Christmas break instead of another round of orals. He also cultured MRSA for the first time in July and has cultured it on and off again. Two weeks ago he didn't culture anything on the day he got IV's.
Pretty much from the moment he started Vancomycin he has been wheezing. He has never wheezed in his life. After two weeks of IV antibiotics at home I was sure he hasn't improved. He wheezes at different times in the day and I can hear his chest rattling when he laughs, etc. I was not surprised yesterday when his pft's fell by 10%. Shocked that pft's can actually fall after IV's though. It is as though the antibiotic isn't working. His doctor suggested that maybe we are overlooking an asthma component and not to be alarmed. Strange to me that Jack has never had Asthma symptoms before. Jack is to continue IV vancomycin and he was started on prednisolone. His doctor seems to think the prednisolone will do the trick.
I am not so sure. Seems like we are missing something. He got another throat culture yesterday, so that should help. But what else could we look at...fungal infection, allergic reaction to vancomycin (have been told repeatedly that it doesn't cause wheezing)? Just looking for ideas...Thanks!
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 8 and Jack, 6 both with cf Grant, 11 months no cf
Pretty much from the moment he started Vancomycin he has been wheezing. He has never wheezed in his life. After two weeks of IV antibiotics at home I was sure he hasn't improved. He wheezes at different times in the day and I can hear his chest rattling when he laughs, etc. I was not surprised yesterday when his pft's fell by 10%. Shocked that pft's can actually fall after IV's though. It is as though the antibiotic isn't working. His doctor suggested that maybe we are overlooking an asthma component and not to be alarmed. Strange to me that Jack has never had Asthma symptoms before. Jack is to continue IV vancomycin and he was started on prednisolone. His doctor seems to think the prednisolone will do the trick.
I am not so sure. Seems like we are missing something. He got another throat culture yesterday, so that should help. But what else could we look at...fungal infection, allergic reaction to vancomycin (have been told repeatedly that it doesn't cause wheezing)? Just looking for ideas...Thanks!
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 8 and Jack, 6 both with cf Grant, 11 months no cf