Is there any CFers out there who are nurses? I know there are certain directions I can take as a nurse that would be ok with CF. Just wondering if you all could help me out with those directions. I am almost 28 years old, I am for the most part healthy. It is a personal goal of mine to get into a career that is respectable. That's mostly why I lean towards the medical field. I live in CA, do any of you have any advice of how I can become a nurse? I have done research and all the schools are very hard to get into, of course. Right now I have another two semesters at the junior college where I am majoring in business and will be able to transfer to a Cal State Fall 2014. After doing the research, the best option I came up with was to get my BA in business and do the nursing pre reqs while working on my BA. I would do only one class at a time at the junior college. I would finish both the BA and pre reqs around the same time and I could go to a local cal state that has a program for BS in nursing if you already have a bachelors. It is an extended learning program so they do not get gov assistance, so there are not as many people trying to get in because the student pays the full amount, 35k program. Its a two year nursing program because its accelerated and its only 15 mins from my house and is accredited because it is through a Cal State Univ. Any advice would help.... I wish I could just win the lotto so I could go to school and accomplish my goals and not have to worry about working while going to school. Wishful thinking....