Cash is coughing



Cash started this cough a few weeks ago. It was just every once in a while. He would gasp, then gag and sound like he was choking. Then he would be fine. It started becoming a daily thing and now it is a multiple times a day thing. His pediatrician said his lungs sound clear but with the increasing frequency she said she might want an xray. Im waiting to hear back.

We are still awaiting the arrival of our new pulmonologist at Children's. I am just worried that this is the beginning of something. He has only ever had digestive issues with the couple of sinus and ear infections. His first pulmo didn't concerned about his lungs really ever being a problem. Atleast not until his adult years. I knew better than to rely on that.

He acts fine though. Its just this cough.


Cash started this cough a few weeks ago. It was just every once in a while. He would gasp, then gag and sound like he was choking. Then he would be fine. It started becoming a daily thing and now it is a multiple times a day thing. His pediatrician said his lungs sound clear but with the increasing frequency she said she might want an xray. Im waiting to hear back.

We are still awaiting the arrival of our new pulmonologist at Children's. I am just worried that this is the beginning of something. He has only ever had digestive issues with the couple of sinus and ear infections. His first pulmo didn't concerned about his lungs really ever being a problem. Atleast not until his adult years. I knew better than to rely on that.

He acts fine though. Its just this cough.


Cash started this cough a few weeks ago. It was just every once in a while. He would gasp, then gag and sound like he was choking. Then he would be fine. It started becoming a daily thing and now it is a multiple times a day thing. His pediatrician said his lungs sound clear but with the increasing frequency she said she might want an xray. Im waiting to hear back.

We are still awaiting the arrival of our new pulmonologist at Children's. I am just worried that this is the beginning of something. He has only ever had digestive issues with the couple of sinus and ear infections. His first pulmo didn't concerned about his lungs really ever being a problem. Atleast not until his adult years. I knew better than to rely on that.

He acts fine though. Its just this cough.


Cash started this cough a few weeks ago. It was just every once in a while. He would gasp, then gag and sound like he was choking. Then he would be fine. It started becoming a daily thing and now it is a multiple times a day thing. His pediatrician said his lungs sound clear but with the increasing frequency she said she might want an xray. Im waiting to hear back.

We are still awaiting the arrival of our new pulmonologist at Children's. I am just worried that this is the beginning of something. He has only ever had digestive issues with the couple of sinus and ear infections. His first pulmo didn't concerned about his lungs really ever being a problem. Atleast not until his adult years. I knew better than to rely on that.

He acts fine though. Its just this cough.


Cash started this cough a few weeks ago. It was just every once in a while. He would gasp, then gag and sound like he was choking. Then he would be fine. It started becoming a daily thing and now it is a multiple times a day thing. His pediatrician said his lungs sound clear but with the increasing frequency she said she might want an xray. Im waiting to hear back.

We are still awaiting the arrival of our new pulmonologist at Children's. I am just worried that this is the beginning of something. He has only ever had digestive issues with the couple of sinus and ear infections. His first pulmo didn't concerned about his lungs really ever being a problem. Atleast not until his adult years. I knew better than to rely on that.

He acts fine though. Its just this cough.


Staff member
Is this his regular CF doctor? I've run into the same issue from time to time with DS's peds doctor -- been told his lungs are clear, it's just a virus, CFers cough.., etc., only to find out from his CF doctor that he's had bronchitis, etc.

We try to get to know his cough -- is it post nasal drip, dry sorta allergy cough or is it a junky or bronchial sorta cough? DS rarely coughs, so when he does, I usually take notice. Do they do regular cultures? Is he culturing anything? Earlier this summer, DS developed a sorta cough that sounded as if he swallowed wrong. He wasn't coughing all the time, but I'd notice it once or twice during the day. Then he had a clinic appointment and was culturing steno. malt. Once his doctor prescribed septra, I haven't noticed it. When he had bronchitis -- he coughed so hard as a newborn that he'd vomit up his formula. A year or so ago, he got a cold and it developed into a junky sounding cough -- no fever, he's just cough.


Staff member
Is this his regular CF doctor? I've run into the same issue from time to time with DS's peds doctor -- been told his lungs are clear, it's just a virus, CFers cough.., etc., only to find out from his CF doctor that he's had bronchitis, etc.

We try to get to know his cough -- is it post nasal drip, dry sorta allergy cough or is it a junky or bronchial sorta cough? DS rarely coughs, so when he does, I usually take notice. Do they do regular cultures? Is he culturing anything? Earlier this summer, DS developed a sorta cough that sounded as if he swallowed wrong. He wasn't coughing all the time, but I'd notice it once or twice during the day. Then he had a clinic appointment and was culturing steno. malt. Once his doctor prescribed septra, I haven't noticed it. When he had bronchitis -- he coughed so hard as a newborn that he'd vomit up his formula. A year or so ago, he got a cold and it developed into a junky sounding cough -- no fever, he's just cough.


Staff member
Is this his regular CF doctor? I've run into the same issue from time to time with DS's peds doctor -- been told his lungs are clear, it's just a virus, CFers cough.., etc., only to find out from his CF doctor that he's had bronchitis, etc.

We try to get to know his cough -- is it post nasal drip, dry sorta allergy cough or is it a junky or bronchial sorta cough? DS rarely coughs, so when he does, I usually take notice. Do they do regular cultures? Is he culturing anything? Earlier this summer, DS developed a sorta cough that sounded as if he swallowed wrong. He wasn't coughing all the time, but I'd notice it once or twice during the day. Then he had a clinic appointment and was culturing steno. malt. Once his doctor prescribed septra, I haven't noticed it. When he had bronchitis -- he coughed so hard as a newborn that he'd vomit up his formula. A year or so ago, he got a cold and it developed into a junky sounding cough -- no fever, he's just cough.


Staff member
Is this his regular CF doctor? I've run into the same issue from time to time with DS's peds doctor -- been told his lungs are clear, it's just a virus, CFers cough.., etc., only to find out from his CF doctor that he's had bronchitis, etc.

We try to get to know his cough -- is it post nasal drip, dry sorta allergy cough or is it a junky or bronchial sorta cough? DS rarely coughs, so when he does, I usually take notice. Do they do regular cultures? Is he culturing anything? Earlier this summer, DS developed a sorta cough that sounded as if he swallowed wrong. He wasn't coughing all the time, but I'd notice it once or twice during the day. Then he had a clinic appointment and was culturing steno. malt. Once his doctor prescribed septra, I haven't noticed it. When he had bronchitis -- he coughed so hard as a newborn that he'd vomit up his formula. A year or so ago, he got a cold and it developed into a junky sounding cough -- no fever, he's just cough.


Staff member
Is this his regular CF doctor? I've run into the same issue from time to time with DS's peds doctor -- been told his lungs are clear, it's just a virus, CFers cough.., etc., only to find out from his CF doctor that he's had bronchitis, etc.

We try to get to know his cough -- is it post nasal drip, dry sorta allergy cough or is it a junky or bronchial sorta cough? DS rarely coughs, so when he does, I usually take notice. Do they do regular cultures? Is he culturing anything? Earlier this summer, DS developed a sorta cough that sounded as if he swallowed wrong. He wasn't coughing all the time, but I'd notice it once or twice during the day. Then he had a clinic appointment and was culturing steno. malt. Once his doctor prescribed septra, I haven't noticed it. When he had bronchitis -- he coughed so hard as a newborn that he'd vomit up his formula. A year or so ago, he got a cold and it developed into a junky sounding cough -- no fever, he's just cough.


New member
I hate to sound like an idiot... but... CFers cough. That's kind of what we do. Even if Cash has never had a problem with his lungs before, it's bound to kick in at some point. Get an x-ray, get a culture, but don't be too surprised.


New member
I hate to sound like an idiot... but... CFers cough. That's kind of what we do. Even if Cash has never had a problem with his lungs before, it's bound to kick in at some point. Get an x-ray, get a culture, but don't be too surprised.


New member
I hate to sound like an idiot... but... CFers cough. That's kind of what we do. Even if Cash has never had a problem with his lungs before, it's bound to kick in at some point. Get an x-ray, get a culture, but don't be too surprised.


New member
I hate to sound like an idiot... but... CFers cough. That's kind of what we do. Even if Cash has never had a problem with his lungs before, it's bound to kick in at some point. Get an x-ray, get a culture, but don't be too surprised.


New member
I hate to sound like an idiot... but... CFers cough. That's kind of what we do. Even if Cash has never had a problem with his lungs before, it's bound to kick in at some point. Get an x-ray, get a culture, but don't be too surprised.