Just wondering on any ideas on preventing our DS from getting a cold from us. I know i sound paranoid but he was released from hospital last week from a gastro problem and now looks like mum and dad have the flu from being so run down and stressed and when we all went to the doctors two weeks ago to get our shots DS was admitted to hospital with a high temp then came the diarreah. Any ways have been washing our hands frantically to prevent him from getting this flu. My mum even suggested we wear a mask but i thought this was over the top. He is on antibiotics right now so would that hold the bug off? I know i sound paranoid but he is only 7 months old and we have already been in hospital twice with the bowel. Can they get a cold and get over it themselves or should i take him to the doctor if he gets one. His nose doesn`t seem to run like a normal childs and he is my first CF baby with a 13 year gap but i remember my other two kids their noses used to run like a tap. Any ideas i would be grateful. i know that he will eventually get colds but i was hoping not so soon and he issoi different to my other 2 children that i get confused on how to deal with him. probably shouldn1t have had that 13 year gap hey!!
Donna mum to Benjamin with CF 7 months 13 & 14 y/old wo/cf
Donna mum to Benjamin with CF 7 months 13 & 14 y/old wo/cf