Cause of pain??


New member
Ok, I am sure this has been brought up before but, oh well. So I have been having these stabbing pains on my right side, then it kinda moves down towards my pelvic area. The pain comes and goes. Anyone have any idea what this could be? I have to call the clinic tomorrow anyway so I will mention somthing then but thought I would ask you guys too.


New member
Intestinal blockage?

Maybe pancrease, but I've never had experience with that.

Gallbladder, which I do have experience with, is on the right side higher up near your lungs.

Let us know what the doc says <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



When i had pains like that it was because i had a cyst on my ovary. My periods were also really messed up and the pain seemed to be worse when i was ovulating. Have you noticed when the pain starts and goes or is it always there? My friend just had surgery because of pain in that area and her pain was from endometroses(sp?)

Kait did have a blockage when she had her pain but if i remember right hers was on the left side, which i believe is where the descending bowel is located.

Hope it is nothing serious though...keep us updated.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
RIght sided pain always makes me think of the appendix.. If the pain continues or you get a fever, I would go to the ER to get checked out.

Also if the pain is more toward the back, I would think kidney infection/stone.

Those are just a few thoughts.. Could be anything from ovarian cyst to constipation

Hope you feel better


New member
It doesn't sound like pancreatitis. Ive had that at least 30 times in my 40 years and I never had any symptom in that area.


New member
Well right now we are thinking that I am just 'backed up'. Cause the past couple of days my stomach has been more extended too. So I am going to up my miralax for a couple of days and see how that goes. Thanks for all the advice.