CF and Cirrhosis. Help Im SCARED.


New member
Hi all.

I have CF have had a high liver count for years now (over ten that I can remember).
I am really concerned that I have cirrhosis from my CF because I notice that one symtom on this was fatigue and tiredness. Over the past years 4-5 I have noticed a DEEP decrease in my energy levels. I can go to do something as simple as visit my brother at his house and play with his two yr old for as little as an hr and I feel completely exhausted.
I also have Cf related diabeties and ppl are always telling me high blood sugar will do this. However my blood sugar has been in good control.
I take a pill called Actigal for my high liver count.

My questions are these.
Should I find out if I have cirrhosis? (Once doctor told me there was not much I could do if I had it.)
What can I do if I have it?
How can I get a definate answer if I have it or not?
What is a biopsy for testing and is it 100% correct? What does it involve and is it safe?

I would really apreciate if someone could shed some light on this for me.
Thanks<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh ps. Im only 26 yrs old (male) and when I heard about how cirrhosis causes energy loss and tiredness I really got scared because ANYTHING I do makes me tired.
Do other ppl with CF feel as tired as I do as easily?
I must also say that my lungs are in MIRACULUS condition compared to most cfers and I know that low lung functions can cause tiredness .... but if thats not what is causing mine what else could it be besides cirrhosis. IM POOPIN my pants about this ......!


New member
I wouldn't worry about it too much. A lot of CF'ers get tired easily, me included. I wake up, eat, go back to bed. I love sleep.
I would go see your sugar doctor again to make sure your sugars are as good as you can get them. Don't settle for average. And exercise a little. The more you exercise, the more energy you will have. GET YOUR SUGARS UNDER CONTROL!!!

good luck


New member
I really don't know much about cirrhosis, but it sure wouldn't hurt to be tested to rule it out. From what I understand, a biopsy is where they will extract a small portion of your liver w/ a needle and then send that sample to a lab for testing to check for abnormalities. They may even put you under for this. It probably sounds scary, but they will numb you, etc to make it as comfortable as possible. I would guess that these biopsies are pretty accurate.
I'm glad your lungs are good & blood sugars are under control--that kind of eliminates these as causes of the tiredness unless maybe you do have some type of infection in your lungs that you're not aware of? Have you had a sputum culture done lately?
Another thing & I don't mean to scare the begeebies out of you, but have you thought of a liver transplant? When there is no other option, a transplant is some light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe someone that's had a liver tx can share their story. I may have heard that a family member can donate a part of their liver (& that the liver is the one organ that will grow back)???? Someone can let me know if I'm off my rocker here w/ this bit of information!
Just communicate w/ your doctors & get it checked out. Keep us posted.<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
HI I have a 5yr old nephew wcf and was just told he had the onset of cirrhosis and they would wait till his next clinic to test his levels. The doctors didn't put him on Urso or Actigal or whatever else is available until then. In the meantime my sister is just waiting. Does this seem right? He unfortunately hasn't been a healthy young man. My son who is 13 also has Cf and hasn't been through half the stuff. Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks