CF and disablility


New member
22 year old CFer on the lung transplant list and not able to work or drive. is anyone else outhere in the same position as i am. if so what do you do in your vast amount of spare time


New member
Hey, I'm new to the forum but not new to CF. I am 37 and have been disabled for the past 4 years. Up until then, I lead a very, very active life. So, when I became home bound....WOW! What a change. All of my friends were at work during the day, my husband works during the day and my son goes to school during the day. So, I spend alot of time on the computer, cleaning house and playing with my dogs. I have horses but have had to down size due to not having the lung capacity as before. I do drive though which allows me to get out and about a bit. I spend way to much time watching TV. If you are affiliated with a church, you may want to see if they need paperwork or phone work help. I know that the local schools can always use volunteers to make phone calls. The best thing to do is focus on the area of your life that you find most dear and dig in. I am an animal lover and spend time volunteering for the local shelter. If I can't work there physically, they send paperwork home for me to stuff envelopes or make phone calls. This will give you a great sense of belonging, being useful and needed. It will also give you a reason to keep on going! You will meet some great new people that enjoy and love the same things that you do.