CF and Pregnancy


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I'm a 23yr old with CF, and I'm having difficulty getting pregnant. I've been married for 3 years and we are wanting a baby. I'm afraid to go to the OBGYN because I'm afraid he'll say I can't get pregnant. I'm also diabetic. Does anyone know if it is difficult to get pregnant and have CF? Please write if you have any advice.


New member
I've asked my docs a lot about having a wee one for future reference. I don't know first hand how a CF pregnancy is, but I do know that CF women are capable of having healthy, beautiful babies. Are you at an acredited CF ADULT clinic? If not find one at They have specialist in family planning and genetic counsling. They will also be able to refer you to an OBGYN w/ CF experence. Technically, Cf women aren't steril like me, but the mucus in the vagina is thicker, and this makes it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg. YOUR health should come first, so you may have to spend some time getting to a level of health that is appropriate for pregnancy, kind of like training for the olympics!Debbie22 yr old w/ CF


New member
Hi Star.... I am a 35 (36 in 2 mths) female with CF. I have been wanting a baby since I don't know when. I have not become pregnant....not from the lack of trying mind you. It does take us women with CF longer to concieve because we have more of a mucus build up "down there", there fore making it harder to concieve. According to my doctors there is no for sure way to find out if women can concieve or not. You might be in the same boat as me and you might have to try "Clomid" which is a fetility drug(quit exspensive too), I have not tried this yet because of the $$, or you might have to be AI. Or you are trying to hard to become pregnant. Relax, take your time, don't think about it, if it was meant to will.Good Luck and let us now what happens


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I am 20 years old w/CF and just found out I was pregnant 2 days ago. It was very hard but then again husband was in Iraq for 10 months also. Anyhow, CF runs in his family and I have CF - not sure if the baby will have it or not. I think I am about 5-6w. Any other women pregnant with CF also ??? This is my first baby and scared to death.


New member
We are also military, and my husband was tested by a genetics counselor to see if he was a carrier. It is completely covered if you go to a military facility. I realize your post was a few months ago, but if you're still wondering if he has the gene and no one has mentioned this to you, it is worth getting him tested. It just consists of a blood draw and a quite a wait for the results. Hope all goes well.