Hi has anyone else gone through this. After recently going for per assessment for transplant nod seeing changes with the cf I don't like bit know its going to get a lot worser before your accepted onto the list and having the most beautiful daughter who's 5 my parter of 9 years decides he doesn't love you and all because the cf is hard for him to cope with. I was like hard for you. Your the one snoring at daft o clock whilst I'm cough cough. Cough I'm the one seeing and knowing just how much the cf affects me but he's the one who sees half of it cos we never tell everything and the make up hides the tiredness and bags sorry who has it hard ? Of cause with cf and having it 37 years you could say I'm inconsiderate as he's only dealt with it 9 years how unfair he could have shared the worst times to come lol but saves it all for me and my daughter. But left with my ray of sunshine the days will never be dull no matter how hard the cf gets. Sorry if you think I rant. But from parents you get u will never know how hard it is to bring a child up with cf no but we learn the hard just by having it and really the out side world don't get it cos they just think your ok cos u look normal and its just the illness where u bash yourself lol. Rant over ! Hope your all keeping well!