CF Arthritis


New member
My daughter is 3 and has CF. She sometimes complains about pain in her knees or hips, and tired legs. I asked our clinic nurse about it and she says that this is related to the CF and is an arthritic pain that they do not know much about, but some patients do get it.Does anyone have any information on this or useful sites to get information? Is this related to all mutations or just certain ones? Does it worsen with age? Does it have anything to do with her diet?Thanks,AM


New member
I have arthritis. It's gotten worse in the last two years. I occasionally use ibproufen, but am on Vioxx and that does wonders. I haven't known of such a young person having artritis, but it makes sense. It's someting that tends to happen to female CF patients more, and most experiance more intense symptoms when they mensturate. I don't think it's related to mutations. I take alot of baths and soke in epsom salts. I would suggest that you make sure she is getting enough calcium and vitimin D. I was just diagnosed w/ ostioperosis in my spine and this is common in CF. You may want to have a bone scan scheduled (it doesn't hurt at all). Debbie22 yr old w/ CF in CO


New member
My 10 year old daughter also has arthritis and has had problems since the age of 3. The physician states it is a type of arthritis usually brought on by infection. States that in some CF patients (mainly girls) whenever they start to get a respiratory infection their immune response starts to attack the infection. This response releases toxins into the bloodstream which settle in the joints (especially the knees). Whenever my daughter has these pains we use warm compresses, heating pads, warm baths, and massage. When the pain has been very severe the doctor placed her on Celebrex for about 2 weeks then took her off the medication. He states that he does not want to mask the pains because when they occur we will know that she is going to have a pulmonary exacerbation that needs to be treated.