CF Assistance Program - Helps teenagers with CF


New member
Lungs for Life (LFL), an all-volunteer 501c3 organization dedicated to assisting individuals and families affected by cystic fibrosis.
Our primary goal is to provide necessary assistance to meet the daily living and medical needs of those with CF. We improve the quality of life for CF individuals as they await a cure and we help to ease the burdens they face as they battle their disease.

Programs and Services -- Under each program area their are different eligibility requirements that must be met. Those who wish to apply should work with your social worker and follow application instructions carefully to ensure your application is not denied.

Application to these programs is through referral from CF and Transplant Social Workers. If you are a CF or approved-CF transplant patient, please get in contact with your social worker to determine if you are able to apply for assistance.


Emergency Fund -provides for limited financial assistance to CF individuals or families in need.

Treatment Fund -provides for financial assistance to CF individuals towards such obligations as: co-pays, medications, and out-of-pocket medical costs required to manage their CF.

Special Needs Fund -provides for financial assistance to CF individuals to assist with the purchase of prescribed nutritional supplements and vitamins.

GIFT OF HOPE PROGRAM provides a free copy of "Taking Flight" to those CF individuals waiting for transplant.

TRANSPLANT RELOCATION PROGRAM* provides for limited financial assistance towards transplant relocation expenses to the CF individual that is an approved transplant recipient. This includes 20 minute pre-paid calling cards.

LIFE & BREATH is a newsletter which offers individuals affected by CF: support, updates on research, treatments and other current events relating to cystic fibrosis.

CF FINANCIAL RESOURCES is a comprehensive listing of all known financial resources available to those affected with CF.

We are please to partner with Crystal Allure Creations to offer hand-made, beaded donor awareness bracelets.

Joanne M. Schum

Cystic Fibrosis
Bi-lateral Lung Transplant Recipient
September 12, 1997
University of North Carolina Hospitals Chapel Hill
Residence: Upstate New York
Manager of: Transplant Support - Lung, Heart/Lung, Heart

"Taking Flight - Inspirational Stories of Lung Transplantation"
Compiled by Joanne Schum
Authored by lung recipients around the world

Lungs for Life Foundation
Joanne's Bracelet, Transplant Awareness Bracelet, CF Awareness Bracelet


New member
Lungs for Life (LFL), an all-volunteer 501c3 organization dedicated to assisting individuals and families affected by cystic fibrosis.
Our primary goal is to provide necessary assistance to meet the daily living and medical needs of those with CF. We improve the quality of life for CF individuals as they await a cure and we help to ease the burdens they face as they battle their disease.

Programs and Services -- Under each program area their are different eligibility requirements that must be met. Those who wish to apply should work with your social worker and follow application instructions carefully to ensure your application is not denied.

Application to these programs is through referral from CF and Transplant Social Workers. If you are a CF or approved-CF transplant patient, please get in contact with your social worker to determine if you are able to apply for assistance.


Emergency Fund -provides for limited financial assistance to CF individuals or families in need.

Treatment Fund -provides for financial assistance to CF individuals towards such obligations as: co-pays, medications, and out-of-pocket medical costs required to manage their CF.

Special Needs Fund -provides for financial assistance to CF individuals to assist with the purchase of prescribed nutritional supplements and vitamins.

GIFT OF HOPE PROGRAM provides a free copy of "Taking Flight" to those CF individuals waiting for transplant.

TRANSPLANT RELOCATION PROGRAM* provides for limited financial assistance towards transplant relocation expenses to the CF individual that is an approved transplant recipient. This includes 20 minute pre-paid calling cards.

LIFE & BREATH is a newsletter which offers individuals affected by CF: support, updates on research, treatments and other current events relating to cystic fibrosis.

CF FINANCIAL RESOURCES is a comprehensive listing of all known financial resources available to those affected with CF.

We are please to partner with Crystal Allure Creations to offer hand-made, beaded donor awareness bracelets.

Joanne M. Schum

Cystic Fibrosis
Bi-lateral Lung Transplant Recipient
September 12, 1997
University of North Carolina Hospitals Chapel Hill
Residence: Upstate New York
Manager of: Transplant Support - Lung, Heart/Lung, Heart

"Taking Flight - Inspirational Stories of Lung Transplantation"
Compiled by Joanne Schum
Authored by lung recipients around the world

Lungs for Life Foundation
Joanne's Bracelet, Transplant Awareness Bracelet, CF Awareness Bracelet