Cf Babies and sleeping through the night


New member
I was wondering if it took CF babies longer to sleep through the night. My daughter was sleeping through the night by 3 months old I may have just been lucky with her though HAHA.. Ashton goes down about 8:00pm and sleeps until about 2:00am then some nights he will be up every hour from then out or he will sleep from 2 until 6 then he is up. I didnt know whether maybe because CF babies have more of an appetite or what that might cause him to get up more..

Ashton 4 1/2 months w. CF
Abbi 5 yo w/o CF


New member
DS probably would've slept thru the night, be we were under instructions to do a late night 2 a.m. "sleep" feeding to get some extra calories in him. After awhile he didn't want anything to eat at that time, so we'd do one last feeding at 11 pm after we gave him his CPT. Also, we didn't put DS down for bed until around 9 p.m. -- we'd start getting him ready about 8:30, but he's a really really big napper -- 2 1/2 to 3 hours, so we're not so concerned about getting him to bed until later. Liza


New member
Emily is about the same age as Ashton. She is definately not sleeping as long at night as her sister did at this age, but we're getting to 8 1/2 or 9 hours most nights. Some nights she still wakes at 2:00 am and will usually polish off a 6 oz.bottle, but most nights she goes without. (I just jinxed myself for tonight...) There's really no rhyme or reason to why she sleeps through some nights and not others, but I suspect her reflux is worse at times and that may be the culprit. She usually goes down around 9:30 or 10:00 after CPT and will be up around 6:30 or 7:00. Have heart, they all get there sooner or later!


mom to Isabelle age 3 no cf
and Emily 4 1/2 months w/cf


New member
I think it all depends on the baby. Hailey was sleeping through the night at 3 weeks old and she still does. She sleeps for a bout 12 hours every night straight through.


New member
I used to wake up about 1:00am screaming my head off every night as a baby. My dad used to walk me a mile up the street, take me on drives, rock me around the house. You name it, he tried it. I'd sometimes fall asleep, he'd put me back to bed and immediately I'd start screaming again. One night he was exasperated and tried giving me food. He fed me a #3 size (the biggest) jar of Gerber vanilla custard (my favorite), and put me to bed and I fell asleep and didn't wake up again until morning. From then on out, he fed me a #3 in the middle of the night every night, and that was all I needed to pass back out. I was just hungry! That story makes me laugh. Ahahahaa.


New member
Emily your story just made me laugh too. I can just imagine the crying turned to cheekiness once your figured out all you had to do was wake up in the middle of the night and you would be rewarded vanilla custard. I luv it!

Anyways my eldest daughter was prem with CF and she used to wake up twice a night for feeds - although she never cried for food, she would just stir and I knew she was hungry. When I fed her she would never open her eyes, she just liked to sleep through feeds. After that she started sleeping through and it gradually got longer. By 18 months she would sleep through until 10.30am at least 2-3 times per week.

My youngest daughter has slept from 7pm - 5am since she was 12 weeks. When she wakes she will only drink 100mls of milk before she goes back to sleep and again no crying for her feeds - instead she like to gurgle and play with her feet till I wake up to feed her.

I think every child is different CF or not although CF can increase the hunger issues. With my girls I have always fed them lots during the day but see their sleep time as just as necssary for their health...hang in there and if all else fails, try some vanilla custard. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">