CF Benefit concert


New member
woops. Press enter at the wrong time. anyways..

Ok so yah, as the name implies Im setting up a CF benefit concert. More specifically for Allan to help raise money for the transplant. Once I atually talk to toads (a venue in New Haven CT) I will have a date for you, but as of right now I have a couple bands saying theyd like to.

So if anyone knows bands in the CT area let me know. Also, (and I sappose this goes without saying) but if you are around the CT area then please come on out to the show whenever it may be. Any other help you feel the urge to give will be greatly appritiated as well. Thanks



New member
And I successfully posted all of that with out realizing I wasnt signed in. So yah ^----all that was me



New member
Ryan let me know when it's going to be...I'm in a band here in Detroit and have benefit concerts. I'd like to hear more about it. I may head out east this fall so if I'm around, I'd love to come.
23 pwcf
drummer for HELLEN (


New member
Ryan, I haven't heard of anything specific but I will keep my ears pealed.

Have you contacted your local CFF chapter to see if they have any relationships they could disclose to you or assist you in setting this up?-just a thought


New member
I wasnt even aware there was a local chapter. But really the only help I need to bands. once I get the bands all I have to worry about is seeling all of the tickets so I dont end up hanging to pay toads for this. Because that would completely defeat the purpose of arranging this. I found help organizing it. A friend of a friend who is much more connected than I. So hopefully things will go alittle more smoothly. or at the very least alittle quicker.


New member
Oy Mini I forgot to tell you about the local CF chapter. Durrrr. Here's the link:
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
Yes definitly post when the concert is....I would love to be a part of any fund raiser for Allan even if I don't go. I am glad he has you to do this for him.



New member
Ok so an update.

Even with Allans Passing Im still going to have the concert. Things will just be slightly diffrent.

First the money will be going to the CFF not cota. Nothing against them, but with the CFF I know its going to a CF cause.

Now where as this wont be going to help Allan anymore, it will be in memory of Allan. Possibly even take donations for funeral expenses and what not that we could send to Jessica and others in Allans family. Depends on when this happens. Who knows.

Any suggestion will be welcome. Any wish to help with pimping this thing will be great appritiated as well. Anyways, Ill keep you all updated



New member
That sounds like a great idea Ryan. I am very interested in seeing what bands you come up with from out there. I love hearing new bands. Let us know what month it's going to be band should drive out there for it..? Good luck with it and if you want any help let me know. My benefit is called "Just Let me Breathe" and I eventually want to get it nationwide where different cities have JLMB benefits on like a certain weekend.
Rock on,
Im sorry he passed....not sure if im in the possition to say im sorry because i didnt know him....but i know a few bands who would probably play....maybe not your type of music...but my age group kind ? tell me when and ill ask them if they could squeeze it from NH and they will good friends with 2/3 bands around here <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Your age group might be just fine, as Ryan is only 17 himself. You're what... 15 or 16 if I remember right. Feel free to harass him with band names, I'm sure they'll work. <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0">


New member
wow damn. havent posted here in a while so here my update:

I have 4, 5 or 6 bands (we will find out once I have an official date) which is all I need to go ahead with the next step. I just need to get a hold of toads now. once I do that Ill print out loads of fliers. and one who wants some IM me at J4ckofalltr4des. Ill send them right out. once I get the tickets Ill give them out to the bands to sell. ticket price will be between 5 and 10 dollars. When I get the day Ill let you all know.

As for the bands, the list is as follows:

100 demons,
Lesser being,
Decipher Syndrome

Their websites are on myspace. Just type in*insert band name here*

only nowtus doesnt have music on the site. I saw them live and they sound great.

Thats all for now