CF Camp


New member
Has anyone here ever gone to CF Camp/Camp wood in Utah? Since they stopped having camp I kind of lost track of everyone. I'm just trying to find out how people are doing.

--Ann 25 w/cf


New member
Yeah, I went to Camp Wood. =-) I might even know who you are... though you probably don't remember me. You were one of the Merrit siblings weren't you? Hmmm, not sure I spelled that right. Anyway, I'm Jarod Bulthuis. If you still have some of the year books, look for a little tiny blond kid. Well, i guess most of us were little and tiny. =-) Anyway, i tried asking the same thing a while back, but I didn't have any luck... oh, wait, I did get one person, but it was someone I didn't know. Jamie Peery, do you remember her? I'm not sure I spelled that right, either. Anyway, I think I still have her e-mail if you want. Take care

22 w CF


New member
Hey Jarod. I do know who you are. You guys always brought the playing cards. Right? I also know Jamie, that is the one person I kept in contact with. She stopped coming while we were still at Red Cliffe. She was diagnosed with Cepacia. How are you doing? If you want you can email me. that is my work email It is the one I check most often.



New member
Hey Jarod, It's me again. I would love to have Jamie's email if you have it. I have her phone number but she is a hard person to get a hold of. I lost her email when I moved.
